Page 188 of Embers in the Snow

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Despite all he’s endured, he wants to protect us.

“Finley…”he gasps, his voice turning hoarse with desire. “Are you sure you want to—”

“Takeit,” I whisper, suddenly overcome with the urge to be devoured by him. My body aches with need. I curl my fingers around his neck and pull him towards me. “I insist. It’s obvious that you want to. And youneedto.”

“Fine.” All of a sudden, his voice is strained. He plants soft kisses along my jawline and down my neck, until he reaches the base of it, where my pulse beats wildly. He kisses me there too, lingering there in an exquisite moment of tenderness and wanting before he gently pierces my skin.

There’s that familiar sting of pain again, accompanied by warmth and the firm, commanding press of his lips against my bare skin.

My body reacts before my thoughts arrive. Arousal surges through me; so acute I can barely contain it. In the end, it’s the tough layer of Corvan’s leather armor that stops me.

If not for that barrier, I would have jumped his bones already.

His thirst; hisneedfor me…

What a blessing it is, to be wanted like this.

At last, he breaks away, satiated, breathing heavily, his lips stained crimson, his pupils dilated. “I could devour you right now,” he whispers.

“Don’t.As tempted as I am, save it for when you get back. I feel you’ll be a lot more vengeful toward your enemies when you’re like this. I shall be your reward.”

“Then I’ll definitely come back as soon as I can,” he growls, tasting my lips again, leaving me with a hint of my own coppery sweetness. My mouth tingles with magic. “And I’ll bring your mother to you. How could I fail when the only thing I’ll be thinking of is you, waiting here for me?Gods,I would raze their castle to the ground if it meant I could come back to you.”

And that’s how we parted; in longing and hope, and I let Corvan go, because I know that he’ll be a hundred times more dangerous and when he’s on his own, for he won’t have to worry about unmaskingthatside of himself.

Not that I’m bothered by it.

I love all of him; even the side of him that’s savage and ruthless.



In an instant, I’m away from the Imperial Palace.

Away from my father’s mess and the honorable Elite Guard—who now serve me.

Immediately, my heart clenches in protest, because I don’t want to be away from her.

It’s astonishing. Me, who’s practically been living as a recluse for the past three years or so? Who turned away all the eligible ladies of the court, because I found most of them vapid and self-serving; because I could not stomach the thought of being wedded to someone that would see only my titles and my inheritance?

I’ve fallen in love with a baron’s daughter who hasn’t had a single thing to do with the Rahavan Court.

And howrightshe is for me. She’s fearless and grounded. Humble. Not pretentious or putting on airs.

She’s fierce and clever, and there isn’t a single malicious bone in her body.

If anything happened to her, I would be destroyed. If not for the lingering memory of her touch; the steady whisper of her voice, the unwavering faith she has in me, I would be irrational right now. I was barely able to leave her as it were.

But it’s necessary. It’s for the best. I can’t possibly take her into unfamiliar territory with the threat of necromancy hanging over us. And Tyron Castle has turned into a warzone, overrun by an army of undead.

The Imperial Palace is the safest place for her right now. Outside the two of us, the Elite Guard, and a single embalmer, not a single soul knows of my father’s demise.

In the next day or so, nothing’s going to change.

Besides, I have a certain amount of faith inEulisyn’smagic. It’s saved Finley’s life once before. That infernal tree knew what it was doing when it gave her itsheart-seed.

I find it reassuring that she’s got such powerful magic in her, even if we don’t yet know much about it.
