Page 187 of Embers in the Snow

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“Actually, thereissomething.” I gesture toward the page, which has turned yellowish-brown with age. “You know the heart-seed that was put inside me by the ancient tree,Eulisyn?”

“Hm?” He caresses my neck; gentle, reverent, possessive.

My heart beats ever faster. “Look at this passage.” I point to the paragraph, printed in ornate, archaic lettering.

The Heart Seed: A Divine Gift

Deep in the ancient forests, there exist certain trees that have grown for a millennia or more. So ancient are these beings that they have grown sentient. Witnessed have they the passing of time and mere mortals, the changing of the seasons and the song of the earth. Thus, we can equate them to deities. They have names; seldom attained, seldom offered, and imbued with power. Only one of Dryadae lineage can converse with the ancient trees. A god-equivalent tree may choose, at any time, to offer protection to one of their children in the form of a heart-seed. Such an event is extremely rare; a once-in-a-millennium occurrence. The heart-seed is an extension of the deity’s power, and when combined with the magical potential of a Child of Eresus, it will grant untold protection.

Source: an oral account provided by one of Dryadae lineage.

“That tells us a lot, but it’s also infuriatingly cryptic,” I complain. “Why are these things always so cryptic? I find it hard to believe that people like you and I are so vanishingly rare that we have to go searching for crumbs of information. Can’t anyone tell us anything?”

Corvan runs his devious fingers beneath the neckline of my tunic, massaging the hollow of my neck, sending warm ripples through me. His touch draws the nervous energy out of me. How is he so calm at a moment like this? “It’s fascinating,” he murmurs. “And reassuring. I have no doubt that many of our kind exist, but they’re far away from here. With the exception of your mother. I suspect she holds answers to so many of your questions. Patience, Finley. I’ll go to Talavarra now and set her free. All will be well.”

“You’regoing to go?” I look up, taking in his earnest expression, and the look of certainty in his crimson eyes. He’s made up his mind. Stubborn man. Iron-willed man. “Alone? I thought you didn’t want me to leave your side.”

He takes my hand. Slips his fingers into mine and draws me upwards out of the chair. “On the balance of what I knew back in Tyron, that was what I thought. I was expecting a bloodbath in Lukiria,notmy father on his deathbed. Human opponents I can handle easily, but Ansar and his people are using magic. I might have to rely on all my powers to fight them… and whatever’s inside Deignar castle.” He pulls me toward him, his arm curling around my waist. “Now that the situation is clearer, I’m afraid I’ll be drawn into a fight I can’t avoid, leaving you vulnerable to attack. Talavarra isn’t my territory. I don’t know it as well as Lukiria. I’ll be at a disadvantage going in.”

“So what do you propose?” I lean into his embrace, wanting to be held like this forever. “That I stay here, in the Inner Sanctum of the Imperial Palace, while you go and singlehandedly fight your half-brother and his extended family; people who have the power to raise the dead and bend them to their will?”

He raises an eyebrow and chuckles softly. “That’s pretty much my plan. You’re in the most secure part of the most heavily fortified building in Rahava, and the Elite Guard have sworn to protect you. The forces defending the palace know nothing of my father’s death. They’ll maintain the strictest security because they still think they’re serving Emperor Valdon Duthriss. I daresay you’ll be safe here until I return.”

I gave Corvan a wry look. “Butyoubreached the Inner Sanctum so easily.”

“For one like me, who knows the secret entrances and can immobilize mortal guards easily; who didn’t faceanykind of resistance because father was expecting me… that’s a given. But anyone else that tried to infiltrate like that would be long dead by now. The Elite Guard are truly formidable. Nothing will get past them.”

“And yet you could have… if you wanted to.” They’re amongst the most skilled soldiers in the empire, and Corvan could have felled them in an instant.

“That’s why my enemies Talavarra have resorted to arcane magic.” His brow furrows in consternation. “I don’t know when they started doing this. I don’t know how my spies in Lukiria failed to pick up the signs, but I’m going to make it right.” He leans in, pressing his forehead against mine, taking a deep, shuddering breath. “If you weren’t here earlier… I would have surely gone mad. So thank you, Finley, for reminding me of who I am, and what I need to do.”

I reach up and caress the side of his face. He really is too hard on himself sometimes. “Go, Corvan. Be strong. Stay safe. You arenotallowed to go and do anything stupid like get gravely injured or die on me. Even you aren’t invincible. So you’d better keep that in mind.”

He lets out a tiny puff of astonishment. “You’re taking this all in your stride, aren’t you?”

“Barely,” I admit. “But what other choice do I have? From here on in, I can only trust you.”

“So youshould.” He leans in and kisses me with terrible urgency. His tongue probes my mouth; insistent, wanting. He tastes of sweetness and ice.

My body responds immediately. My magic reacts, sending a ripple across my arms and down my back. I want more of him, always.

Don’t go.

When it comes to Corvan, I could become so very selfish.

But now I tilt my head, offering him my neck, because I know my blood makes him stronger, and I want him to be at the height of his powers when he arrives at the Talavarra Estate.

For all the forces and weaponry and resources he has at his disposal, he chooses to go alone. To risk his own safety.

Nobody is faster.

Nobody can do what he does.

And Corvan cares deeply about this land and its people.


That’s what it comes down to.
