Page 31 of Embers in the Snow

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“Finley!” he shouts as they roll to a stop. His eyes hold a healthy level of distrust and fear as he looks me up and down, trying to gauge whether I’m friend or foe. “Who the bloody hell is this? Where are Duthriss’s people?”

I’m already moving, easily evading his blade, ignoring him as I reach the steps of the carriage. He’s no threat. He can’t even touch me.

I enter. Shards of broken glass are everywhere. Thick woolen blankets are strewn across the seats. In one corner, a ludicrous quantity of green-and-gold silk has been deposited, deformed by a mass of wires that’s supposed to form a skirt-like structure.

Beneath my scarf, my lips curve in wry amusement. This must be the dress that Finley cast aside. I don’t blame her. It’s a monstrosity.

My attention turns to the poor wretch lying on the floor. His torso is wrapped with blankets which are tightly secured by a belt. His eyes are closed, his breathing shallow.

His face is deathly pale. Shadows encircle his eyes.

Years of experience on the battlefield tell me he’s hovering close to death. If he is to be saved, he needs a healer,now.

I lift the injured man into my arms, blankets and all. To me, he’s as light as a leaf, even though he’s big and strong and would probably feel like he weighed a ton if my old self was carrying him.

I bring him outside, where I’m promptly met with the point of a sword.

The lad’s arm trembles as he places the tip of his sword close to my neck.

“Kastel, put the sword down.” Finley’s voice is calm. Her scent surrounds me; warm, sweet, and utterly intoxicating. I don’t dare glance behind me.

“Fin, who the fuckisthis guy?” The lad is having none of it. I don’t blame him.Iwouldn’t trust me, either. “What is he doing? What can he even do when Aderick’s in this state?” His voice cracks. Desperation and fury fill his words.

A dangerous combination.

“If you want your brother to live, then lower your sword and listen to me,” I say softly. “I’m taking him to the best healer in Tyron. I can get him there faster than anyone else. The three of you will continue toward Tyron Castle. An escort will meet you along the way.”

“You’d better do as you say, because we are guests of the Archduke, and hewillhear of this,” Kastel threatens.

Given the circumstances, it’s a reasonable thing to do.

“I’m sure he will,” I say mildly.

“If my brother dies…”

“If I get him to the healer on time, hewon’tdie.” I have that much faith in my physician’s abilities.

Unable to help myself, I steal a glance at the strange woman; thisFinley,who is apparently my betrothed.

She’s standing in the middle of the road, staring at me with wide eyes. The wind whips at her unbound hair, scattering the rich brown tendrils. Her complexion is pale. I must’ve taken a little too much from her. I see the faint evidence of my momentary madness at the base of her neck—two tiny puncture marks, surrounded by the faintest of bruising.

I’m not going to lie to myself. I would gladly drink from her again.

What am I going to do with this unexpectedly alluring creature?

She crosses her arms and glares at me, chin thrust forward, jaw set in a stubborn line. I get the feeling she’s going to curse me to all eternity if anything happens to this poor lad in my arms.

Very well.

I’ll do everything in my power to make sure he lives.

I tip my head in acknowledgment.

Then I move, faster than the human eye can follow, leaving her sharp intake of breath in my wake.


