Page 56 of Embers in the Snow

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It’s so warm in here.

I lean back into the luxurious sofa and catch sight of the logs glowing in the hearth. Golden orange and red, glowing brightly against the blackened fireplace.

“Finley…”He says my name again, and I like the way it sounds coming from his lips, shaped by his deep, rich baritone.

I close my eyes. My limbs are heavy, but my body feels like it’s floating.

The darkness engulfs me, both unsettling and comforting.

Unsettling, because I’m helpless against it.

Comforting, because it feels good and natural, and it makes me want to surrender.

Crimson and white swirl in my vision, like embers in the snow.

So… warm… in here.

I can’t fight it anymore.



She closes her eyes, sways a little, and promptly faints.

And although I’m quite satisfied, a small demon in my head taunts me.

She smells so good. And she’s helpless now. You could, you know… just take a little more. Nobody would know.

“Shit,” I growl.

Her face, smooth and golden-tan, has taken on a greyish pallor. Dark circles surround her eyes, cradling lashes that are long and dark brown, the same rich shade as her lush wavy hair.

Her jawline is strong yet delicate, and the elegant column of her neck tempts me even now, making me want to press my lips against her dewy skin.

I see the place where I bit her… twin pinpricks of crimson, so faint one could easily miss them.

You did this to her. Take some more…

Sooner or later, you’ll kill her.

A vision flashes through my mind, of her lying in my arms, languorous and intoxicating, her essence so sweet and vibrant as I drink my fill; as the life drains from her.

It’s like a drug.

This blood of hers… I’ve never known anything so divine. Taking from her is like transcending heaven and hell.

And considering all that’s happened, she’s handled it very well. I was just about to offer her an explanation of sorts. I owe her that, I suppose.

So much for our little chat.

I rise from my chair and sweep her into my arms—yetagain.

This is becoming a habit, it seems.

She’s so light. So fragile. She smells delicious—and it isn’t only her blood. She carries a delicate fragrance that mingles with her skin-scent to cloud my senses with a sweetly intoxicating aroma.

She carries the scent of warm weather—of summer and spring, spiked with a hint of fresh citrus.
