Page 66 of Embers in the Snow

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Deep down, I know he could do anything he wanted with me. We’re bound by Rahavan law. I can’t run. I can’t defy him. Against his inhuman strength, I’m completely helpless. If he were a corrupt person… he could do depraved things. He could imprison me and take from me whenever he wants.

He has all the power here, andyet…

So far, he’s been surprisingly reasonable.

I take a deep breath. “I’ll tell you what. I’ll drink the wine. I’llconsiderallowing you to drink from me again. But I have conditions.”

He inclines his head. “Tell me.”

“Firstly, you will ensure my brother has all the care he needs to make a full recovery. You will prevent my father from taking him back to Ruen prematurely. Secondly, you must promise to protect me and my family. That includes my father, who is currently detained in your dungeons.” I pause, thinking about my father, who’s been harsh to me for as long as I can remember. Unlike the affection I receive from my brothers, I’ve never known even a sliver of warmth from him. “If you must detain him, then at least provide him with adequate food, water, and warm bedding.”

Corvan leans back, steepling his fingers, his gaze becoming hooded as he contemplates my requests. “I’ll grant you the first one. That is a given. As for your father… I can’t say I have any respect for a man who storms up to my gates unannounced and demands an audience with me. I have no tolerance for a man who disparages my loyal soldiers,especiallyKaithar of all people. But what is most unforgivable is that he dared to strike you. And for that, he needs to face the consequences. I can’t grant your second request, Finley, but I will ensure he has the basic things you asked for. And I can promise you that I won’t kill him.”

“Be fair,” I put my fingers to my mouth, where father struck me. “Look. The injury isn’t so bad.”

Is it so bad that part of me wants Corvan to punish my father?

For a moment, his expression turns horribly cold, like a winter storm. But then, it passes. “That too, will heal,” Corvan says gently, “if only you will drink the wine.”

He’s dangerously persuasive.

Too much for me to withstand. I’m just a simple country girl from Ruen.

“Fine,” I utter at last, and it feels like a dam wall inside me is starting to break. “But you must stick to your side of the bargain.”

“I might be shameless, but I’m not dishonorable.” He rises to his feet and pads across the room, his movements slow and purposeful and graceful, like a big hunting cat. He takes the long-stemmed glass into his fingers and returns.

Then he kneels before me, offering the dark crimson elixir.

I stare down at the wine; into depthless, shadow-filled red.

Just like his eyes.



Itake the glass from him, trying my hardest to stop my hands from shaking and failing miserably.

It’s your condition,I tell myself.

He’s kneeling before me.

The Archduke Corvan Duthriss, Crown Prince of Rahava, High Commander of the Imperial Armies, and somehow avampire,is kneeling in front of me, watching me expectantly, as if the fate of the empire depends on me drinking this wine.

It smells of woody spice and summer berries.

I close my eyes and yearn for spring.

There’s something else in there, too; a fragrance both bitter and sweet and darkly tempting.

I take a sip.

It’s both acidic and sweet, rich with fruit and a hint of something faintly metallic.

I wrinkle my nose. I’m not used to this sort of taste, but I drink it anyway.

As the wine slides down my throat, warmth blossoms in my chest. I take another sip, appreciating the complex flavors.
