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“Sweet.” Pisces started them forward. “Let’s check it out.”

The vehicle was a stick shift, so Pisces kept his hand close, and Peter wondered what the shifter would do if he laid his own hand over it. Peter had never been much of a hand holder, but for some reason, with Pisces, he wanted to try it. Unfortunately, Peter wasn’t quite that brave, yet.

“So is eating seafood like cannibalism for you?” The idea popped into Peter’s head, and he was blurting it out before he could think better of it. Instantly, his cheeks began to heat, and he winced. “Uh, never mind.”

Pisces glanced his way. The smile curving his lips held a touch of amusement but no ire or censure. “Well, I’m a bottlenose dolphin shifter, and I don’t really know anyone who eats dolphin, so I’m going with no.” Letting out a chuckle, he added, “Although, that would be an interesting question to pose to Alpha Kaiser or Beta William.”

“What do you mean?” Peter found he appreciated that Pisces didn’t just blow him off.

“Well, they both turn into squid,” Pisces told him. “Really big ones.” His eyes narrowed as he tipped his head to the side a bit, his expression turning musing. “If they eat fried calamari, is it cannibalism?”

It was Peter’s turn to bark a soft laugh. “God, it’s a strange thought, isn’t it?”

Pisces hummed. “It sort of is.” He seemed to be running with it, for he added, “Of course, they’re a sentient species, and to the best of our knowledge, shifters aren’t diced up and tossed into the deep frier.”

Peter felt his stomach tighten at that thought. “Oh, god, I would sure hope not.”

“I suppose it’s like anything. Food quality control,” Pisces continued, shaking his head. “But I’ve seen Eban eat shark-fin soup, and he turns into a great white.” Glancing Peter’s way, Pisces told him, “I think this is one of those things where it’s a matter of opinion, and mine is no, I don’t think a shifter eating a non-sentient animal is cannibalism. We’re two completely different species.”

Nodding absently, Peter replied, “I can see that.” Offering the other man a wry smile, he added, “But I think we still need a subject change.” Taking in his handsome features and thick, light-brown hair that was just long enough to touch his ears, Peter asked, “So a dolphin shifter.” Widening his eyes, he asked, “I just saw the dolphin show atWorld of Aquatica. You said you were there. What were you doing?”

With a broad grin, Pisces glanced his way. “Yup. You saw me perform yesterday afternoon. I was one of the dolphins.”

“No shit!” Peter gaped at him for a few seconds before asking, “Were you the one on the right or the left?”

“For most of the show, the one on the right,” Pisces told him. “I’m a smidge larger than Angelina, and I’m a slightly darker hue.”

Peter scoffed as he thought back to the show. “Wow.” Chuckling, he admitted, “I know that the sharks are shifters, but I guess I never thought about the dolphins. Cool.”

Pisces found a parking spot and shut off theJeep. Turning to face Peter, he offered him a wry smile. “When I scented you in the stands, I almost botched the show.” Pisces smirked as he shook his head. “You were damn distracting.”

Warmth flooded Peter, and he smiled at Pisces, but he kept his mouth shut as he slipped from theJeep. He just didn’t know what to say to that.

* * * *

To Pisces’s relief, they only had to wait five minutes. They sat on a waiting bench sharing a menu, choosing what they wanted. Pisces couldn’t resist putting his arm around Peter, and the smile his mate flashed his way caused his blood to heat and his heart to trip in his chest.

When Pisces’s name was called, he was loath to release his mate, so as soon as they stood, he grabbed Peter’s hand, instead.

Pisces earned another smile, that time with a slight flush darkening the color of Peter’s cheeks.

As soon as they reached their table, Pisces hurried and pulled out Peter’s chair. The move earned him another, somewhat surprised-looking smile. As Peter sat and Pisces settled in the chair to his mate’s left, he absently wondered what kind of assholes his human must have dated in the past.

Doesn’t matter now. He’s mine.

With that possessive thought firmly in mind, Pisces relaxed in his chair and eyed the host.

“Can I get you started with anything other than water today?” he offered with a smile and a glance between them. “And your server will be Natalie this evening, and she’ll be with you shortly.”

“We’d like to get a calamari appetizer started,” Peter piped up, pleasing Pisces that he wasn’t too shy to express himself. He glanced Pisces’s way and asked, “And what bottle of wine did you decide we should split?”

Pisces had mentioned a couple of options while they’d been waiting, and Peter had told him to choose as he’d never gotten the hang of wine pairing.

“Let’s go with a bottle of this Riesling.” Pisces pointed at his choice on the menu.

The host nodded. “I’ll get both of those requests in for you.”

After they both murmured their thanks, he hustled away.
