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“Uh, no. He’s never close to me. He loves my grandparents.”

“Oh, come on. I love your grandparents, but I’m not working there.”

“Maybe he needs the money,” I counter.

Amber whips out her phone, and her fingers fly across the screen. She turns it toward me. “Look at this man’s net worth. I doubt he needs the money.”

The door opens, the bell jingling saves me from replying, and Amber’s boyfriend heads our way. He’s dressed in an impressive suit and tie and is carrying his briefcase. When he slides into the booth next to her, it’s like her whole body turns to putty. She leans into him, and he wraps an arm around her.

After she kisses him enthusiastically, he nods at me. “Hey, Rachel.”

“Sebastian. How are you?”

“I’m well. About to head into a meeting.” He glances at the counter. “I may skip the coffee part. I just wanted to see you, angel.” He turns his attention back to Amber, who is officially in lovesick mode.

It’s been a while since I was like that, but I remember it well—the inability to keep your eyes off each other, much less your hands.

“What’s your meeting about?” I blurt. No one has ever asked Sebastian about work, really. But it’s a little less odd for me since I’m about to finish up my degree in business management.

“It won’t be anything grand, I can tell you that. Just a boring monthly meeting. It’d be more exciting if I was trying to talk the investors into something,” he jokes.

“Well, good luck.”

He nods before squeezing Amber to him again. “I better get back to work. I’ll see you at home tonight?”

“I’ll be there with bells on,” Amber reassures him before laying another thick lip-lock on him. She watches him walk away until he’s out the front door, then turns back to me with a satisfied smirk.

“Oh my god.” I shake my head, unable to keep from laughing.

“What is so funny?” She narrows her eyes on me.

“It’s been a long time since I witnessed such infatuation.” I giggle.

“It hasn’t. You just worked with Jack this morning.” Amber’s tone is light, and her eyes are teasing, sparkling under the lights.

I shoot her a dirty look of my own while sipping my drink. I’m not going to justify that bullshit with an answer.

The door jingles again, and to my surprise, Jack’s mother walks in. Gwen Anderson heads to the counter, moving swiftly. The way he talked about her, you’d think she was ill. Although I suppose heartbreak is an illness like any other.

She stops at the register, her head tilting toward the chalkboard signs. The barista takes her order, and then she slips her card over before dropping a few bills into the tip jar. I have no plans to say hello. I’m sure she’d recognize me, but I don’t want to end up in an awkward conversation. While Jack is close with my family, it was never the same with his.

As if she senses me staring, Gwen’s head turns my way, and our eyes meet before I can look away. She watches me curiously while I’m like a deer caught in headlights, and after she gets her drink, she begins walking toward us.

“Shit, shit, shit,” I manage between my teeth, and Amber narrows her eyes at me.

“What’s wrong?”

“Jack’s mom,” I mutter without moving my lips too much, and as she stops at our table, I paste on a bright smile. “Mrs. Anderson,” I greet her, then mentally kick myself. She’s not married anymore, dumbass.

“Rachel. How are you, dear?” She smiles at me almost wistfully.

I’m honestly shocked she remembers my name.

“I’m doing well. How are you?” I wince again—another brilliant comment. Oh well.

“I’m doing okay. Better now that Jack is home.”

“I’m happy to hear that.”
