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And he’s nervous.

“I mean, sure.” I shrug. I hadn’t planned on going, but why the hell not?

The rush of breath he releases surprises me more than him asking me.

“You really were nervous to ask me that,” I tease.

“Well, yeah, I figured someone else already had.” He shifts the car into gear and backs out of the driveway before turning onto the road.

My burst of laughter fills the car, and it’s Jack’s turn to look surprised.

“It took a lot of courage to ask you, you know.” Jack glances at me, and when our eyes meet, something shifts between us.

I’ve always heard earthquakes can go by unnoticed and wondered how people wouldn’t feel their whole world shifting on its axis. But right now, I can see how I almost missed it. Because before I got into the car, Jack was one of my best friends. My closest confidante. But now he’s making my heart race. My pulse throbs in my throat, and the immeasurable pressure between us nearly steals my breath away. My skin tingles with anticipation, and when Jack rolls to a stop at a red light, I move before I can second-guess myself. As I lean over the center console, Jack turns at my movement. His eyes widen at the sight of me coming toward him, but then he closes the gap between us. I’ve never kissed anyone before, and I kind of regret it, but once Jack’s lips meet mine, I’m so thankful he’s my first kiss. When we part, he grins at me, his eyes shining.

His next words take my breath away.

“That was some first kiss.”

Eighteen Years Old

Graduation day is supposed to be the happiest day of your young-adult life. You’ve survived high school, you’re moving on to college, work, or whatever your future holds. It’s a day of promise, of possibility. But for me, it’s just the day before the love of my life leaves. I would never ask him to stay—that would be selfish. And I’m not going to give up my own aspirations to follow him across the country.

Jack got a full ride to a prestigious school for football… and he leaves tomorrow for summer training. I knew it was coming, and I thought I was prepared, but as his buddies clap him on the shoulders with grins and congratulations, I just want to go home and crawl into bed.

I turn my back to Jack and his friends, taking in the rest of our graduating class. They’re spread across the football field, some taking pictures with their families and friends, and others posing and snapping selfies on their phones. Everyone is dressed in the same fucking robe, so it’s difficult to pick out my best friend, Parker. I never realized how many tall blond dudes are in our grade.

Squinting in the sun, I spin in a slow circle, but he’s nowhere to be found. My family has already gone back to our farm. They’ve planned a big party and invited everyone we know and most of Jack’s family as well. It’s going to be a long-ass night of pasting a smile onto my face. Having my best friend there will make it much easier.

A pair of arms wraps around my waist from behind and lifts me into the air, and as I spin faster and faster, a squeal of laughter slips between my lips. The wind rushes through my hair, and for a moment, everything isn’t as heavy.

“Parker Scott, put me down.” My tone is demanding, but I’m laughing as I attempt to catch my balance once my feet hit the ground again.

Parker grabs my shoulders, steadying me. “You looked a little lost.”

“I felt a little lost,” I admit, unable to stop my head from jerking toward Jack and his friends. But he’s walking away from me, toward the gates of the stadium. My heart aches, a pang shooting throughout my chest, and I can’t believe he didn’t come over to me or even glance my way.


“Rachel?” He squeezes my shoulder gently.

“Can you give me a ride home?”

“Sure thing,” he agrees. No questions asked, which I’m thankful for.

Because my ride home just left me without a backward glance.

Eighteen Years Old

I’m so fucking excited about graduating, and the first thing I want to do after walking the stage is find Rachel. Things have been tense the past few weeks. We’re not sure what’s going to happen with us, but I love her more than anything in the world.

My buddies surround me first thing. I try to hurry through our conversation to get to her, but they keep talking, and by the time I turn to find Rachel, Parker fucking Scott is spinning her in the air, his arms around her waist. I’m not normally a jealous dude, but the upcoming separation does have me a bit insecure.

Because even though Rachel is oblivious to the fact, I know Parker Scott’s secret. He’s in love with my girlfriend.

And seeing him there for her, celebrating with her before I could get to her, hit a little too close to home with my impending departure. It’s a reminder that while I’m training and working out and not here with her, he will be. They’ve been best friends for years, and he’s always respected my and Rachel’s relationship, but a man only has so much confidence. Four years is a long time for a long-distance relationship, no matter how much we love each other.

I just need a minute to cool off. My insecurities aren’t Rachel’s problem, so I want to deal with my shit before seeing her. As I head to the gate, the team follows me—which I should have expected as their leader. Their captain. Right now, I just want some space, though.
