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“Hey, guys. I’ll meet you at the farm, alright? I’ve gotta catch up with Rachel.”

My best friend and cousin, Kaleb, nods. “Sounds like a plan. See you there.”

As they file out of the gate, I slip under the bleachers, thankful for the quiet moment. I inhale and exhale, eyes closed for a moment, and once I’ve calmed down and am not feeling as insecure, I slip back out into the sun. The stadium is empty and Rachel is nowhere in sight.

I glance back at the parking lot, where most of the cars are lined up to exit, everyone honking and blowing air horns out the window. And there she is, her red strands blowing in the breeze as Parker opens the passenger-side door of his car for her. She slides into the front seat, flashing him a smile, and my heart shatters.

Losing her would devastate me, so maybe it’s better to cut ties now, on my own terms.


“I look absolutely horrible.” My friend Phoebe wrinkles her nose as she examines her reflection. She glances over at me and Amber. We’re sprawled across her bed, but Amber’s taking up most of the room.

“Won’t you scoot over so Rachel doesn’t have to hang her ass halfway off the bed?” Phoebe asks.

Amber groans as she moves, and I prop myself up on the pillows, getting comfortable.

“I warned you that you’d hate my clothes,” Amber comments. “I don’t know why you didn’t listen.”

“Everything is just…” Phoebe blows a raspberry. “I guess I’m too old.”

“Phoebe, you’re only like, five years older than me,” Amber replies pointedly. “Now, tell us about the guy again.”

“Um, well… I really don’t remember much.”

I glance up from my phone. I’m in a heated word search game against my papaw, but that may have to wait a moment now. “You’ve talked some, right?”

“I know, but listen, okay? I keep thinking about… other stuff.” Phoebe strips down to her undergarments and throws herself on the bed between us. “I’ll just go in my bra and panties. That’s what he’s probably wanting to see anyway.”

Amber and I glance at each other, breaking out into giggles.

When I finally catch my breath I say, “Can you imagine her showing up to The Lantern in that?”

The Lantern is one of the fanciest places around. I’ve eaten there once or twice, but I always feel out of place.

“This is ridiculous, right? I shouldn’t be fretting like some teenager.”

“It is kinda ridiculous.” I drop my phone in my lap. “You’re a gorgeous, successful, independent businesswoman. Any guy would be lucky to have your attention. So some random dude from a dating app is not worth all this anxiety. Especially if you can’t even remember his name.”

“That’s a fair point. Jake, maybe?” Phoebe muses. “My phone’s over there charging. I’ll check it in a minute.”

“So, what’s the real reason you’re distracted and disinterested?” Amber narrows her eyes at our friend.

“Someone else has caught my eye. But I’m going out with… Jack!” Phoebe exclaims, popping up. “His name is Jack!”

When she says his name, the bottom drops out of my world. Their conversation blurs as I think about the man that has haunted my dreams for four years. It’s dumb of me to react that way. Plenty of people are named Jack—it’s fairly common.

Phoebe sighs. “I guess I should get ready… if I’m going to go.”

“Are you second-guessing yourself now?” I attempt to rejoin the conversation, mentally focusing on the present.

“I always second-guess myself, Rachel. But normally, it’s after I’ve already fucked everything up.” Phoebe grabs her phone, swipes to a picture, and shows us the screen.

“See, this is Jack. He’s pretty cute.”

“Oh, he’s superhot,” Amber chimes in, peering closer. “Pretty green eyes.”

When it’s my turn to take a glance, the breath rushes out of me. Those green eyes are like coming home.
