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At precisely 9 AM, a sharp rap at my door announces the human’s arrival.

She…waited at my door until the clock struck the hour… Now I’m not sure if she’s just perfectly punctual or if there’s malicious intent. A power play?

No. Her essence is too spotless.

Just the thought of it makes me arrange my face into a glower that has made even archangels cower.

“Enter,” I bark, feigning focus on the accursed stacks of paperwork on my desk. The polished mahogany door creaks open to reveal…a petite female in a crisply pressed skirt and blouse and wearing spectacles. I allow my gaze to drag slowly up her figure—all luscious curves barely contained by that prim outfit. A mane of brunette hair pulled back in a bun, piercing eyes, and a neutral expression that gives away nothing. No trembling or tears in the face of my bark. Curious. My demonic roar usually reduces minions to groveling puddles.

As she steps closer, I brush against her aura once more, reflexively inhaling the intoxicating scent of untapped innocence. Her soul shines bright, a beacon that promises to tempt every dark creature in the Underworld. Every red-blooded demon will relish the chance to tarnish such tantalizing purity.

Even thinking that, I can already see their shadows outside the frosted glass bordering my office, dispersing the moment my attention snaps to them.

I resist the urge to growl. I know full well the havoc one alluring mortal can wreak amongst demons. Productivity will plunge to the pits of perdition if I let this human roam these halls unchecked.

My minions are slackers at best. I’ll be drowning in a backlog of unfinished reports instead of leisurely fudging the numbers.

Tearing my focus back, I see the little do-gooder meeting my gaze through those perched spectacles, unflinching.

Unfazed by my menace, she extends a hand. “Elara Hunt, your new executive assistant. I believe you were informed of my arrival?” Her tone is soft but firm. And still no quivering.

Well, well. This mortal has fire. I flash her my most devilish grin. “Bax Daemonus, at your service. Welcome to Damnation Financial. Now, how can I help you…quit?”

* * *


Stepping into the fiery halls of Damnation Financial, I find the underworld is not what I expected. Sleek black marble floors, ergonomic torture devices, and demons in tailored suits hustling between cubicles. More corporate office than lair of eternal torment.

I straighten my jacket and smooth my hair. When I applied for this position, I never imagined I’d get it. But the CEO of Damnation himself, Lucifer Morningstar, informed me my mortal credentials were exactly what they needed to “shake things up.” After searching for a job Aboveworld for several months, this opportunity was a godsend—or, rather, devil-provided.

The pay was too good to pass up—a six-figure salary for just six months of work plus free boarding on the sixth-floor penthouse of a luxury hellfire hotel. No idea what I’ll do after the six months are up, but I’ll think about that when I get to that point.

I told Lucifer the raw truth in my interview. I’m here for the money, plain and simple. He admired my “capitalist initiative”—money’s the root of all evil after all. Little did he know about the selfless reasons I need this wealth. But I held my tongue, not about to jeopardize this opportunity.

But standing here now, I never expected my boss would behim. Bax Daemonus. Tales of his soul-crushing audits and creative tortures are legendary, so much so that he’s one of the few demons known Aboveworld by name. My Religious Ed teacher used him as a talking point of why we should all be good. He’s merciless, exacting, and possibly worst of all, the rumors were true. He’s alsodevilishlyhandsome.

Bax Daemonus looks at me with eyes that feel like he’s staring at my soul. And he probably is. He’s an archdemon after all. Nothing like the lower demons that escorted me here or the imps that processed my travel documents.

He’s huge. Imposing. And power emanates off him in waves.

It takes all my willpower to keep my expression neutral under his smoldering gaze. His eyes narrow at my lack of fear, seeming surprised by my composure. But this job is my only shot at raising the funds to pay for my sister’s college tuition.

There’s a distinct look of annoyance in the archdemon’s eyes, even though there’s a smile on his face. As if he’s wondering just what a mortal like me is doing down in the pits of hell alive and well and not screaming in some accursed torture chamber.

If only he knew the daily struggles I’ve endured Aboveworld—the soul-sucking job hunt, barely scraping by paycheck to paycheck, sacrificing my dreams to support my little sister. The human world can be just as cruel and unforgiving as Hell.

At least here, the rules are clear. Do your job, hit your quotas, and you’ll be rewarded. Aboveworld, you can work yourself to the bone and still end up with nothing. Down here, the torture may be literal instead of figurative, but pain is pain.

That’s why I won’t fail. Bax may be the cruelest demon in Hell, but if handling his torment is what it takes, so be it. I’ve handled tyrannical bosses before.

I’m stronger than I look.

So here I stand, trying not to gape at the perfectly chiseled face and sculpted physique beneath Bax Daemonus’ pristine white shirt. Those elegant horns, the smoldering eyes…he’s the epitome of temptation.

Get it together, Elara.

When he flashes a grin full of gleaming fangs and drawls, “How can I help you…quit?” I clench my fists behind my back to stop their shaking.
