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I lift my chin in what I hope is defiance, not nerves. “I’m here to do this job to the best of my abilities.”

His eyes narrow, but that infuriating grin remains.

He studies me for a long moment, seeming to weigh his next words. When he speaks again, the mocking edge has left his voice.

“Why would a soul like yourswillinglycome to a place like this…” He pauses, studying me, and I almost squirm under the weight of his stare. “I’ve been around a long time, and one thing I’ve learned is that nothing is ever as it seems on the surface.”

Rising languidly from his seat, he circles his desk, giving me ample time to admire the muscles straining underneath his perfectly pressed shirt. He steps closer, using his considerable height to loom over me.

“So, perhaps there is more to you than meets the eye, Elara Hunt. More than that prim suit suggests.” His gaze sweeps over me. “But only time will tell if you have the mettle to withstand this place.”

Despite the warning in his tone, something about his demeanor has shifted. He seems…intrigued.

I tip my chin up to meet his burning eyes. “I’m stronger than I appear, Mr. Daemonus. I would not have come if I intended to fail.”

He makes a thoughtful noise. “Please, call me Bax.” One claw lightly traces my jaw and I suppress a shiver at the thrill his touch ignites.

“Very well…Bax.” I’m unable to keep the breathless quality from my voice.

Brimstone and spice envelop me as he murmurs, “I’ll give you a week, little mortal, before you’re begging on bended knee to return to your quaint pastoral life.” His eyes trail over me in a way that makes my pulse jump and skin prickle. “So do yourself a favor—spare that delectable body of yours the torment and resign now. While you still can.”

Delectable? No one has ever…

Focus, Elara!

Tightening my lips, I force myself not to dwell on his words. This is a demon and I shouldn’t let my guard down around him, especially when his voice drips temptation, promising comfort, an easy exit from the madness I’ve willingly entered. But I swore I wouldn’t cave so quickly, despite the treacherous heat spreading through me. I took classes for this! Passed Resisting Temptation 101 with straight As. I can handle one arrogant, if unfairly attractive, demon.

Meeting his hypnotic gaze, I reply evenly, “While I appreciate your concern, Mr. Daemonus, I assure you I’m up to the challenge of this position.” I offer him a polite smile I hope conceals my racing heart. “Differences in our realms aside, I’m confident we can have a productive working relationship.”

Something unreadable flickers in his eyes, there and gone. He leans infinitesimally closer, lips grazing my ear. I almost jump out of my skin. He must have fire on his breath because heat shoots from the spot of contact straight through my entire being.

“We shall see, my dear.”

His husky tone turns my brain to butter. Before I can respond, he brushes past me to the door, crisp shirt barely grazing my arm and sending wholly inappropriate sparks skittering across my skin.

I take a steadying breath, pressing a hand to my burning cheeks. Surviving six months will test my limits like never before. But failure is not an option. Too much depends on me seeing this through.

And, oh fudge!

I turn to see he’s gone out of sight and I’m completely alone in the huge office.

I had a presentation prepared and everything!



Lost. Utterly lost in a fiery maze of endless hallways and cavernous demon-filled spaces. My heart thumps hard in my chest as I wander past imposing steel doors etched with scenes of human suffering.

My new boss—if one could call a millennia-old archdemon a boss—disappeared down these halls over an hour ago, leaving me adrift. I don’t even have a cubicle to call my own. Just a pleather folder clutched to my chest containing my new hire paperwork and the presentation I’d prepared.

Fat lot of good that does me now. I suppress a sigh. Some first day this is turning out to be.

When I applied for the Executive Assistant position at Damnation Financial, I expected nonstop chaos and torment. Endless screaming souls, pits of fire, creatures with dripping fangs. You know, a typical Monday in Hell.

But so far, the underworld has subverted my expectations at every turn. At first glance, it seems almost refined, but a closer look reveals the faded grandeur masking flaws - chipped floor tiles, outdated technology, and the occasional leaking pipe breaking the illusion. Still, it’s a far cry from the chaos I anticipated.

I pass a pair of demons in tailored suits muttering over steaming cups of coffee. The logo on the cardboard cups reads “Hellbucks: Fiery Freshness Served Daily in the Abyss Below.” Who knew Hell had its own trendy coffee chain?
