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Far from the nightmare realm of my imagination, Damnation Financial resembles a budding corporation that you’d see Aboveworld. Except, of course, for the demons.

Sharp horns, crimson skin, glowing eyes and ritual scars that swirl like living tattoos—the denizens here defy mortal aesthetics. Yet, it’s the innate sensuality in their movements that draws my eye, the predatory grace with which they prowl the halls. Power and hunger given form.

Get it together, Elara. Gawking will only attract unwanted attention.

I duck my head and hurry onward, ignoring the eyes tracking my progress. As the only human, I’m an oddity. An amusement.

The first few demons I passed leered and licked their fangs. But now their demeanor has shifted from menacing to overly helpful. A tall demon with curling ram horns dips into an awkward bow as I approach.

“Good day, Miss Hunt! I’m Ragoth, Assistant Torture Scribe.” His voice is peculiarly harmonic. “Might I escort you to Lord Bax’s office?”

I blink. Lord Bax? I stifle an inappropriate giggle at the pretentious title. “Oh, um, no need. I’m just trying to find my assigned workspace.”

Ragoth grimaces. “Terribly sorry, but I’m afraid no desk has yet been arranged for you.”

Of course, not. Why make anything easy on the unwelcome mortal?

Ragoth continues oozing syrupy sympathy. “Such inconvenience! I shall speak to Facilities at once to remedy this oversight.”

“It’s fine, really.” I force a smile. “I’ll sort it out, eventually. Don’t trouble yourself.”

“No trouble at all!” Ragoth trills with exaggerated cheer. “We aim to make your transition as seamless as possible.”

Translation: They aim to get rid of me ASAP. This whole friendly act reeks of artifice. They expect me to fail just as badly as Bax does.

Well, too bad for them. I didn’t come this far by being easily intimidated.

Leaving a spluttering Ragoth behind, I continue my exploration. More demons scramble to assist me with transparent insincerity. As I politely decline their offers, another presence catches my senses—something smooth and sultry and…right behind me.

I turn to find a tall, raven-haired demon leaning casually against the wall mere inches away. How did he sneak up so silently?

Inky horns curl back from his temple, framing devastating bone structure. He straightens languidly, black tunic rippling over a leanly muscular frame. Dark, soulless eyes brim with mirth as they rake over me.

“Well, well. What have we here?” His voice slides like velvet over my skin in a way that instantly tells me he’s done this a thousand times before. “You must be the audacious mortal brave enough to join our little corner of the Underworld. I’m Zarien.” He executes a courtly bow. “Welcome to Damnation.”

A playful grin reveals one glittering fang. There’s a cunning to his expression, a deception behind the flashy smile, and it only makes my guard go up.

“Elara. A pleasure to meet you, Zarien.”

“Oh no, the pleasure is all mine.” Another targeted grin. “Let me take you on a proper tour of our facilities. I promise it will be…memorable.”

He extends a clawed hand, eyes glinting with possibility.

When I don’t respond immediately, he continues. “Come now, don’t be shy. I vow to show you many shadowed delights.”

A warning prickle skitters down my spine. Not only is his presence like an alarm bell going off in my head, fraternizing is the fastest way to ruin my chances here. And my soul.

“Tempting.” I smile to take the edge off my words. “But I should really locate my new supervisor first. Rain check?”

Zarien presses one hand theatrically to his heart. “Ooh, we do hate the rain down here. You wound me! But very well. I won’t distract you from your duties.” His eyes spark with mischief. “I’ll be seeing you soon,Elara.”

With a wink, he prowls into the shadows, leaving me unsettled. Focus! He’s only doing the exact thing I expected from a demon.

As I wander onward, the halls widen into a vast cavernous space like an underground cathedral. My jaw drops. Turning around, I look back where I came from, but the hall I was wandering through has vanished.

Hell’s bells. I really am lost.

Turning back around, I peer ahead.

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