Page 8 of Velvet & Sins

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Yeah, I could do this.

I turned toward the drawers next to the sink and pulled out my passport, and the credit card I always kept for emergencies. Some people kept their shit in the bedroom, but I kept mine in the kitchen, and it was obviously a good decision if I needed to run immediately.

My hiking backpack was in the bedroom, and no matter what, I knew I couldn’t take too many clothes with me—only the necessities. Underwear, a few shirts, a hoodie, a jacket probably, and one more pair of pants. I was still in my work clothes, and I couldn’t drive off in them. But I also knew that I didn’t have long to get ready, I removed the jacket I wore as I started toward the bedroom, my suit jacket followed, falling down on the floor in a heap of clothes, leaving me in the sleeveless white shirt tucked into my slacks.

But the closer I got to the bedroom, the more my paranoia rocked through me. I couldn’t remember if I had closed the doors when I left yesterday, yet there they were, closed, feeling ominous in the darkness of my apartment.

“You’re just being silly, Ev,” I murmured to myself, stepping closer to the door. “It’s your fear that’s talking.”

I grabbed the handle and pushed the door open, completely oblivious, too relaxed to realize that I wasn’t all alone in my apartment, almost jumping out of my fucking skin when a voice rumbled through the room.

“Hello, Evelyn.”

My head snapped up, my fight or flight instinct at the forefront of my mind, but who was I kidding—I didn’t know how to fight. Maybe I knew how to slap someone, but I wasn’t at the level of the man sitting right on top of my fucking bed, as if he owned the place.

I couldn’t see his face, but holy motherfucking shit, he was huge, and as he stood up, slowly walking toward me, I realized that the top of my head barely reached his shoulders.

And I knew. I fucking knew it was the same man from tonight. The same vicious beast I saw in the hallway.

Stepping backwards, I started fumbling with the light switch on the wall, and as the light turned on, illuminating the entire room, every rational thought abandoned my mind, because the man in front of me… Jesus on crack.

I worked in an industry where people came in and out every single day—beautiful people. Men and women who knew they were hot, and I admired them for their confidence, for the way they carried themselves, but this guy… This guy was on a whole new level.

I'd seen him in the lobby just before he'd entered the elevators, and I couldn’t fucking look away. When we met on the floor, I was too worried about the noise complaint and the fact that I was all alone on the floor with a man I didn’t know to notice how beautiful he was.

His midnight black hair cast a complete contrast to the whiskey colored eyes, rounded by an equally dark pair of eyelashes, long enough to make every woman jealous, and the dark eyebrows, scrunched into a frown as his eyes perused me, going over my body as if he had any right to do so.

His broad shoulders were enough to fill the door frame, filling the white shirt he wore, the material strained over the muscles that kept on flexing right in front of my own eyes.

The man was fucking huge, and I knew he could squash me like a bug if he wanted to.

“Are you here to kill me?” I blurted out, all rational thought flew out of the window, while my fear and my attraction toward this man warred inside my body, confusing me even more.

The tattoo on his neck glared at me—a three headed dragon. Its wide wings span over the right side of his neck, the sinister eyes of the three headed beast burrowing deep into my soul, as if they were more threatening than the man in front of me.

Slow cat-like movements brought him closer to me, the crooked smile he carried waking up the dimple in his cheek and I almost groaned, seeing it there.

He had to have a dimple? Seriously?

His finger trailed over my trembling arm, my shoulder, slowly wrapping around my neck with no added pressure, following the path toward my ear, until he burrowed his hand into the back of my hair, entangling his fingers in the loose strands, pulling me closer to him.

I went up on my tiptoes, trying to keep up with the man, but he didn’t budge even when a whimper of pain escaped through my lips, betraying me at the worst possible moment. His eyes flashed at the same time, something akin to satisfaction staring down at me through those cold, amber colored orbs, while I tried to keep an impassive expression on my face.

“You were about to run, angel,” he murmured against my cheek, his teeth grazing over my sensitive skin, eliciting shivers all over my body. “I don’t like it when people try to run away from me. Do you know what I do to those that try to run?” he purred, dragging his nose over my jaw. “Do you?”

“N-No,” I stammered.

“I make them disappear.” He chuckled darkly, pulling back to look down at me again. “And no one ever finds them. No one,” he pressed. His hand in my hair tightened, the punishing grip tearing at my insides, pushing tears into my eyes. “You’ve been a very bad girl, Evelyn.,” My name sounded both like a treat and a promise on his tongue, his accent becoming more prominent with each word spoken, and I had no idea how I would get out of this mess.

“Please,” I begged, looking up at him. “I didn’t say anything. I didn’t—”

“Don’t lie to me, Lyn,” he crooned. “I have ears and eyes everywhere.” He smiled, the darkness swirling in those black irises, beckoning me into its embrace. “I know you spoke to the police officer.”

“I did, but I didn’t say anything,” I panicked. “I didn’t tell her about the tattoo.”

“The tattoo,” he stated. “What about it?”

“Your tattoo.” I writhed, pointing at the tattoo on his neck. “I didn’t tell her,” I whimpered. “I swear on everything I have, I didn’t tell her.”
