Page 9 of Velvet & Sins

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Something flashed through his eyes, but before I could comprehend what it meant, it disappeared just as fast, leaving behind the glacial expression on his face.

“I don’t believe you,” he seethed, pressing his face closer to mine. His breath licked over my lips, the minty scent messing with my fucking head. As I inhaled again, his spicy aftershave tickled through my nostrils, the heady sensation in my mind making me lose my footing, and as my knees gave out, as I thought I would tumble down on the ground, he wrapped his arm around my middle, pulling me closer to his body, our chests flushed together.

A rumble tore through his chest, the vibrations pushing through my skin, reaching the very depths of my soul that I promised I would never touch again. I blinked and blinked, but I couldn’t shake off the dizziness taking over my mind.

The lack of food, all this excitement, the anxiety rushing through my veins, it was too much for my body to bear, and like a fucking damsel in distress, I crashed against him as the room spun around me.

“Please don’t kill me,” I murmured into his neck before my mind decided to shut down on me, leaving me in the hands of a real life monster.



Please don’t kill me,her words kept ringing in my head as my eyes kept hold of her figure on my couch, and I had to admit—I didn’t hear a word that Christian just said. I should’ve been paying attention, but the little vixen lying there, with her blond hair spilling over my pillows, distracted me to no end, and now wasn’t the time to get distracted.

But her words… It felt as if she'd sucker punched me in that moment as her eyes fluttered closed, collapsing against me as if she trusted me, as if she knew I would catch her, and I fucking did. I should’ve left her there, in her tiny little apartment, with dangers lurking all over the place, but I couldn’t stop myself from inhaling her sweet strawberry scent, and holding her in my arms for much longer than necessary.

She wasn’t my business. Hell, she wasn’t even part of the equation. I didn’t need her to solve this problem, but something inside of me whispered, pushed me toward her, and the pull I have never felt before kept me close, needing more, yearning for her eyes to look at me again, for her hands to touch my skin, to leave that burning trail behind just as they did when she pressed herself to me.

“Are you even listening to me?” Christian asked, scowling at me, and we both knew I had no idea what he was talking about.

What was it about her that made me bring her here? She wanted to run, to get out of the city, that much was obvious by the way she held onto her passport and the way she kept murmuring to herself.

“Did she say anything?” Chris asked, looking at her, and the irrational thought to remove him, to gauge out his fucking eyes for just looking at her, had me stumbling backwards.

I loved women, respected them, but I didn't want them in my life. They came and went but none of them awoke such a visceral reaction in me like this woman did.

Evelyn Laurier, twenty-nine years old, and a Front Office Manager in my hotel. I sat there in her room, waiting for her to come home, to find out what she knew, but what tumbled over my lips into the ether wasn’t what I'd wanted to say.

I didn’t give a fuck she wanted to run before. I would’ve let her because she did nothing to us, to me, but the moment my eyes landed on her tiny waist, and those long legs, I was gone. All rational thoughts escaped through the window and I pushed myself up, needing to be close to her, to touch her, to pull her to me, to claim those plump lips, to keep her with me.

I hated the thought of her being far away, hated the fear so evident in her eyes, but most of all—I hated my reaction to her.

And I hated the fact that she was about to become my prisoner now, because I couldn’t allow her to go out into the world and talk about what she saw. But I couldn’t kill her—not yet. I couldn’t bring myself to do it.

Attraction was one thing, wanting to fuck someone because you liked what they looked like, but love and all the other feelings that brought an array of trouble—those weren’t part of my plan. I saw what love did to my father when my mother left.

I saw what love did to my men when the women they loved turned out to be nothing more but opportunistic bitches, only looking for someone with deep enough pockets to fund their luxurious lifestyles.

I saw what love did to me, loving the one person I could never have, letting myself slip into the sweet oblivion over and over and over again, because I wanted to forget what she looked like, what she felt like that one time when she allowed Kieran and me to have her.

I didn’t want to feel like this, attracted to this woman I didn’t know, the woman whose green eyes held demons inside that I couldn’t understand.

I crossed my arms over my chest, keeping myself still because I feared I would kick Chris out and lock myself inside with her if I didn’t create some sort of distance. This couldn’t happen.

I was a rational man, someone who could make decisions without involving emotions. I always knew what needed to be done, and she was fucking up all of my plans.

“Tristan was there in the hotel, and I am pretty sure he was the one that killed Gregory.”

“Well who else would it be?” he hissed, dragging his hand through his hair. “I knew we should have killed the bastard when we had the chance,” he seethed. “Now look at what he's done. And Greg… What the fuck was he doing with him there?”

“I don’t know,” I said, forcing my eyes to stay on Chris’s face. “But I’m going to find out.”

“How?” he asked, narrowing his eyes at me. “The video footage was wiped clean, and even our police sources didn't find anything. There was no trace, nothing at all. Greg checked in under a fake name, and this chick,” he looked at Evelyn, “she was the one that checked him in and the one that found him. Coincidence?”

“What are you saying?”

“I’m saying that she might know more than she’s letting on.”
