Page 29 of Promised

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“Oh god, yes. I miss it.”

What I missed was him. The comfort we used to find in each other. Back in the woods, under the moonlight. When it seemed like we were the only two people in the world.

His palm ground into my clit as he plunged in and out of my pussy with his fingers. My teeth sunk into my bottom lip as I tried to hold in my moans of pleasure so the driver didn’t hear.

I was beyond caring how wrong this was. Not when I was just on the edge of coming. When one more touch would send me flying.

“No.” The word was like a blast of cold air in the warm car.

My breath shuddered as he moved away. His hand slid out from under my dress. His fingers left my throat as he stared at me with those hard blue eyes. I felt the chill in my bones.

“Lying whores don’t get to come.”

My lips parted in shock. I went numb. Every part of me shut down as I stared at him. I didn’t feel real when I was faced with his hatred. Like I didn’t exist.

Why did he hate me so much? What had I done to earn this?

My body ached. Burned from with need. Suddenly, the numbness vanished, replaced with my own rage.

“Fuck you.” I shoved at his chest, trying to get him away from me. But he was solid muscle. I wouldn’t be able to move him unless he wanted to go. And he didn’t.

Adam closed the distance between us, pinning me to the door again with a hand to my throat. My pulse slammed against his thumb as he glared at me. Our mouths were inches apart as his gaze ran over my face.

I opened my mouth to tell him to get off, but he moved his hand up. Shoving his wet fingers inside, stopping me. I choked as he rubbed them along my tongue. My own taste filled my senses as he smirked at me.

I hated him for looking sexy as he treated me like I was nothing. Less than nothing. Like I had hurt him and was owed this punishment. He made me hate him even as I ached for him. This burning need to be near him after years of wishing for it to happen.

“No. I don’t think I will.” He smeared my lipstick, spit, and arousal across my face as he pulled his fingers from my mouth. “Make sure to giveDaddya kiss when you see him.”

Tears pooled in my eyes, but I didn’t let them fall. Instead, I shoved all the pain down. Locked it away like I’d been doing my whole life.

As I looked at him, I finally got it. The man in front of me wasn’t who I’d loved. He was darker. Harsher. The boy who’d cared for me. Whose eyes would brighten when he saw me was dead. Now, there was nothing behind his eyes.

“I don’t know what your problem is or why you hate me so much. But I’m done.” I balled my fist. Shoving my arm forward, I aimed for his crotch, but at the last second, he moved back, and I connected with his outer thigh.

Pain shot up my arm as he slid across the seat and freed me. That was all I’d wanted anyway; unlike him, I didn’t want to hurt people. “Don’t touch me again.”

“Or what?” He laughed as he sat back in his seat, straightening his tie. “Daddywill save you. Make all your problems disappear like they never existed. Send you away from the poor kid who popped his daughter’s cherry.”

The longer I sat in this car, the harder it became to breathe. I had no idea when he’d changed. Or why he suddenly thought I was on my father’s side. I’d never been. He should know that better than anyone.

“He didn’t send me anywhere. I ran.” I wrapped my arms around myself again like it would hold me together. “And while we’re on the subject, I want nothing to do with him. I didn’t let you touch me to piss him off. Not then and not now. You’re the one who has a daddy complex.”

“Then why’d you do it?” He scoffed like he didn’t believe me. That tiny sound was like a hammer to my fragile psyche. I felt like I was going to crack. Crumble at his feet.

I was being attacked from every corner. Zara hated me for not being there for her. My father wanted to kill me for embarrassing him. And Adam wanted to punish me for… I had no idea what for, but I could feel his rage in every word. Every touch. And somehow, I still let him hurt me.

“Because I loved you.” I jerked the door open as the car came to a stop. I needed to get as far away from him as I could.

But I turned back to face him one last time. I needed to make sure he was really gone. That the boy I loved was dead.

He looked strikingly similar. Still handsome with a strong jaw and a piercing gaze. Still the same thick red hair and Adam’s apple. But when I looked into his eyes, all I saw was hate. The moonlight was gone. The love had vanished.

“But that was before I knew what a monster you were.”


