Page 30 of Promised

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Istraightened my dress as I got out of the car. Not sparing even a glance for Adam. I grabbed my lipstick from my purse. Using the reflection in the tinted windows, I fixed my make-up. Hopefully, it would be good enough to fool anyone who looked closely.

I was well practiced in pretending I was fine. Putting on a smile and standing beside a man I hated with every fiber of my being. I’d spent most of my life doing it.

But before I could fully put my armor in place, the man in question came around the side of the car. My hand flew to my chest as my father startled me. I expected him to be inside with Zara and her suitors.

His face was red with rage as he roughly grabbed my bicep. I stumbled on my heels as he jerked me forward.

“You will not be near him again.” He growled as he dragged me along. “You’re not going to whore yourself out like you did before.”

“Let go.” I grit my teeth as I plastered on the fake smile so the other guests who made their way into the hotel wouldn’t know we were arguing.

It’s funny the stories people created about you. I’d only ever slept with Adam, but my father would label me a whore for the rest of my life. Because I’d let someone he didn’t like touch me. Because I’d gotten pregnant young.

It didn’t matter that I’d loved him. That I’d never wanted anyone else. To him, I was always going to be a whore.

“No.” I winced as his fingers dug into my flesh. “You’re not going to do this to me again. You’re not going to ruin us. I had to delay finding your sister a husband for years until the rumors of your scandal died down. I won’t lose everything I’ve worked for because you can’t keep your knees shut.”

His words stole the breath from my lungs, but it was dulled by the pride I felt in protecting my sister. At least I’d bought Zara some time. She hadn’t had her innocence stripped away the second she wasn’t a teenager.

He finally released me once we entered the hotel lobby. He didn’t even look at me as he smoothed down his mustache using the mirrored walls. “I’m finding you a husband tonight.”

“No, you’re not.” Even as anger boiled my blood, I kept my voice cool and even. I couldn’t let him see how he was affecting me. “I’m leaving as soon as I know Zara will be safe.”

His lips thinned as he closed the distance between us. His round stomach brushed my arms as he tried to get me to back down. But I wasn’t going to move. Not for him. Not for anyone. I was done being used. Being afraid.

“You’re going to get married.” He snarled as he attempted to intimidate me with his size. “You’re going to be a good daughter for once. Don’t fucking embarrass me again.”

My eyes narrowed as I took a step closer, forcing him back, or people would know we were arguing. He couldn’t have that. It would ruin his image. The businessman with two sweet daughters. The ones he had total control over.

If people saw he couldn’t even handle us, there was no way he’d make a deal tonight. And not a chance in hell Matteo would promote him to the underboss position.

“Did you forget what I have over you?” His jaw clenched as I reminded him of the video. “Maybe the people here wouldn’t care. Hell, they’ve probably done worse than kill their wives. But the FBI would be interested. And how many people in this room will be loyal to you once you’re arrested? Once you no longer have any power.”

I took another step, forcing him further away from me. “Do you think they trust you not to tell their secrets once you’re facing life in prison? The smart thing would be to kill you before you could talk.” I shrugged like I would be completely unaffected by his death. “But what do I know? I’m just your whore daughter.”

I turned on my heel and walked away, satisfied to know that some things never changed. My father was the same bastard he’d always been. He’d either pretended to be nice to get me here or to impress Britney. Either way, the façade had crumbled. At least I knew my enemy.

I caught a glimpse of Adam watching as I walked into the ballroom. He was leaning against the wall like he didn’t have a care in the world. Like he hadn’t just fingered me and then left me wanting.

I lifted my chin as I walked by. If he could pretend we were nothing, then so could I.

Walking into the ballroom was like falling into the cave of treasures from Aladdin. Everything around me was dipped in gold. Gold tablecloths, gold-rimmed plates, and glasses. There were gold curtains on the wall and sashes on the chairs.

Typically, an arranged marriage was settled quietly. A couple of men in a room signing a young girl’s life away. But the Gallos had taken a few hits lately. An unjustified war with the Vancinis and Carmine’s death made them look weak, my father especially.

This was his chance to show off everything he had. To make himself feel better as men begged for Zara’s hand. Not because they cared about her but because they cared about power.

I picked up a glass of champagne as I surveyed the crowd. The place was full of the who’s who of criminals and high-profile men of Sayton City. There was the deputy mayor who apparently hoped getting in bed with the Gallos would make him the mayor. I noticed a few other political officials. One of them might be a good option for Zara. At least she wouldn’t be married to a murderer.

But the room was full of them, too. Dante, a Capo with the Vancinis, was here. I mentally crossed him off my list. He was known to be violent, and my father wouldn’t go for it. Matteo’s sister was already married into the Vancini family.

I noticed Angelo and Vander Kent talking to Britney. I didn’t know much about them. When I’d left, their family was only just regaining power after the sudden death of their father and uncle.

I shook my head as I grabbed a stuffed mushroom from a passing tray. This whole thing disgusted me. Not just because my sister would be forced to marry one of these ruthless, power-hungry men. But the performance of it pissed me off.

The way they smiled and shook hands as my father led Zara from group to group. He kept his hand on her back, trapping her in place. My chest tightened just looking at her. I felt like I was the one being caged. Like I was getting dragged back into this world.

“I know you’re not the guest of honor, but you’re just so beautiful I had to come introduce myself.” I swallowed my sigh as I turned to smile at the man who addressed me.
