Page 41 of Promised

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My ankles were rubbed raw from my heels. My body ached in strange places because of how rough he’d fucked me. Makeup was streaked across my face. And my hair had long ago fallen; now it was a tangled mess. Not to mention the cum staining my thighs.

I felt like I was a teenager doing the walk of shame again. Only back then, I’d come home happy. Today, I was in agony. I felt like my ribs were too tight. Like I’d never be able to take a full breath. Not without it hurting. Memories and betrayals assaulted me as I tried to tiptoe across the foyer.

I needed to get to my room. I wanted to crawl under the covers and rid myself of the night. I wanted to erase the last seven years. Forget Adam’s existence.

As I reached the stairs, the light flicked on. I froze like a deer caught in the sight of a hunter. My entire body tightened at my father’s voice.

“Where were you?” Quiet rage radiated from every word.

It was a familiar sound. I knew a verbal lashing would follow. One where I’d walk away hating that I’d ever been born.

I stared at the floor as I took a deep breath, trying to remember I wasn’t a little kid anymore. I didn’t have to stand here and take it. “I’m tired. I’m going to bed.”

“You don’t walk away from me!” He grabbed my bicep in a rough grip as he yanked me away from the stairs. Pain exploded down my arm as his fingers bit into my skin. “You were with him, weren’t you?”

My jaw clenched as I glared at him. He was posturing. Trying to assert his dominance because I hadn’t followed his orders. He always called us weak, but he was the one with a fragile ego.

“Answer me!” A strangled yelp left my mouth as he shook me. My teeth rattled together, and my brain smacked against my skull.

I tried to act like I wasn’t scared, but inside, my heart was racing. He’d never hurt me before, but I knew what he was capable of. I had the video of my mother’s murder to prove it.

“I warned you when you were a teenager, but you still ran to that broke little rat like he could save you.” Spit hit my face as he yelled at me, making my stomach roll. “And what did it get you? Nothing! He left you pregnant and alone. And still, you spread your legs for him like a goddamn whore!”

“I’m not a whore.” I grit my teeth; rage and fear made my limbs shake.

“That’s all you ever were.” He laughed harshly. “But I know how to change it. I’ve already lined up the right man tofixyou. His first wife died. Let’s hope you’ll be a better fit.”

“I’m not one of your men.” I jerked my arm from his grasp. “You can’t tell me what to do. I don’t need your money or your protection.”

My eyes narrowed as I pushed around in. But as I made my way towards the stairs, I caught a flash of red by my father’s office.

My fist balled. If it weren’t a death sentence, I’d close the distance and punch Britney in the face. The traitorous bitch.

“Are you enjoying the show?” I snapped as I threw my arms out. “I know what you did! Why?”

Instead of answering, she just smiled. The breath caught in my lungs as I saw the devious glint in her eyes. Saw how my embarrassment and pain made her happy.

I don’t know what came over me, but I lunged. A scream ripped from my throat as I tried to get to her. Britney’s expression morphed into fear as she backed away.

It settled some of the chaos inside me. I was going to use that fear and get an answer from her. I wanted to know why she’d done this to me. Why she’d destroyed my life.

But before I could even get close, I was pulled back. My father grabbed my wrist, protecting Britney like he’d never protected us.

“You’re not going to touch her. Unlike you, she’s always been loyal to me.” The wheels in my head turned slowly. Trying to form a connection, but I didn’t know what I was missing. What I was trying to put together.

I needed to get away. To think. To process everything that had happened tonight. Everything I’d found out.

I tried to move around my father, but he used his portly frame to block my way to the stairs. The scent of bourbon washed off him as he leaned forward until we were eye to eye.

“What were you doing with him? Are you going to sell your own family out to Matteo?” He sneered. “Were you hoping that would make Prince Charming want you again? He hates you. All you have is me and this family. Nothing but dear old dad to save you.”

“I’m an adult,” I spoke calmly, even as I felt the heat building under my skin. The rage reached a boiling point. “I don’t need you. I never needed you.”

“You’re my daughter. You’ll always be my daughter. Until the day you die.” His eyes burned me as the threat left his lips so easily. “You’ll do what I say, or you’ll end up like your mother.”

“No. I’m out. I don’t want to be your daughter anymore.” For the first time in my life, I pushed back. I shoved at his chest. Catching him drunk and off guard, he stumbled. “It never got me anything other than your contempt.”

Anger vibrated through my body. I felt big and strong. Ready to stand up to him for the first time. What I wanted more than anything was to take him down. To set myself and Zara free.
