Page 42 of Promised

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“You think you have control. But you don’t.” My shouted vibrated in my chest. “I’m going to show that video to the world. I’m going to destroy you. Let’s see how powerful you are then.”

I had a split second of happiness. Enjoying the surprise in his eyes. Knowing I was the one who hurt him now.

Then pain radiated across my face as he slapped me. It had been so quick I hadn’t even seen his hand move. Or I’d just fooled myself into thinking he’d never hurt me.

“Limortaccitua!” You’ve dishonored dead ancestors.

My cheek burned as I raised my hand to my face. I heard the strangled gasp of surprise, and for a moment, I thought it was mine. But then my gaze connected with Zara’s. She stood at the top of the stairs in her pajamas, looking beautiful and innocent.

The tears in her eyes matched mine. The shock on both of our faces was almost identical. The game had changed. Become deadly.

I shook my head at her as she moved to come to me. There was no reason for both of us to get hurt. Her face contorted in pain as she mouthed. “Go.”

I came here to help; instead, I’d made it worse like I always seemed to do. I was a tornado. Destroying everything in my path. Zara. Adam. My future.

I never should’ve come back. Not tonight. Not when she called. But you go where it’s familiar, even if it hurts. Even if it’s dangerous because itfeelssafe.

Except nothing felt safe anymore.



The vodka burned as I swallowed another sip. It wasn’t enough. I could still see the glass in front of me. Still hear her cries in my head. Still feel the pain in my chest.

It was like the cold, dead heart inside had come back to life. Like it was feeling all the agony I’d repressed for the last seven years. And now it wanted things.

It wanted revenge against Britney. It wanted blood for what we’d gone through. It wanted time back.

It wanted Ariella.

My fingers curled around the glass. I thought about throwing it, but it hadn’t helped earlier. I didn’t think anything could help at this point.

I gripped my head in my palms, trying to stop myself from thinking about it again. All the things I’d said to her since she’d come back. The insults. The guilt. The shame I’d thrown her way.

I’d made her the villain when really it was me. I was the one who’d failed her. She’d been broken. She needed me. And I hadn’t shown up for her. I’d left her to the wolves.

How could she even look at me? How had she let me touch her?

My insides twisted when I remembered earlier tonight in the closet. Instead of feeling lust or desire. I felt disgust and rage at myself. I’d fucking tortured her. Destroyed her.

My fingers dug into my skull. I needed the pain. I deserved it.

I’d used her. Tossed her around like a doll. Fucked all my hate into her. And I was messed up because even though I knew the truth now, I wanted to do it again. I was no longer the gentle kid she knew. I was never going to be that.

I had no idea what to do now. Other than killing everyone who had a hand in taking her from me. I shoved off the stool. I needed sleep. The rest could wait until the morning. Their blood could be mine, then.

As I turned towards the hall, I noticed something amongst the shattered glass on the floor. Ariella had dropped her small beaded purse when she ran. It had burst open; lipstick, tissues, and other things women kept in their bags were scattered across the floor. But what caught my attention was a notebook.

I plucked it from the mess, shaking the glass from it. I knew what it was. Ariella had always loved to draw. She must have had ten books exactly like this one.

She used to create worlds that we could pretend to escape into. Filled with magic and evil dragons. With princes who came to save the princess.

I’d always wanted to be that for her. A prince. But in the end, I was the villain. I was the one who broke her.

I brushed the cover, wondering how wrong it would be to open it. She’d never kept her drawings a secret from me. But they were personal. Something she only shared when she felt ready.

In the end, curiosity got the better of me. I wanted to know what she dreamed of now. Who she was hoping would come save her. But I never expected to find what I did.
