Page 67 of Promised

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“Can I? Yes. Is it legal?” She shrugged as she continued typing. I suppose it didn’t matter if she broke the law. Murderers surrounded us; a little hacking didn’t seem so bad. “I’ll add security cameras too. If she’s out in public, we’ll find her.”

“Shit.” Adam cursed, leaning over her shoulder and watching what she was doing.

The computer suddenly filled with images. I could see people walking along the streets of Sayton City. A woman withdrawing money from an ATM. A man screaming on the phone as he sat in traffic. It was insane how unaware we were. We thought we were having private moments when really we were being watched.

“Matteo needs to see this.” Adam pressed a kiss to my temple before leaving the room again.

“So what now?” I felt adrenaline pulsing in my veins. I wanted to move. Wanted to find out why she’d done this.

“It’ll alert me when we find her. Until then, we wait.” Zara shrugged again. “Could be hours or days.”

“Merda.” I collapsed into the chair next to her. The sudden disappointment drained me of the energy I’d just had.

“I guess this gives you time to fill me in?” Zara raised a brow as she turned to face me.

“Honestly, it’s so much I don’t know where to start.” I sighed.

How did I tell Zara that our friend was a backstabbingfiga?She’d been as close to her as I had. I decided to start at the beginning.

“Britney lied about Adam leaving town when I had the miscarriage.” Zara and Emma’s eyes widened the longer I talked. Each one grabbed my hands when I told them Adam thought I’d had an abortion.

“So after I left the house, Adam found me, and we decided we wouldn’t let someone’s lies keep us apart.” I finished, exhaling deeply.

I felt lighter. Like all I’d needed was to purge the poison. To let it bleed from my veins. Now, it couldn’t hurt me.

“I can’t talk about me anymore,” I said, waving my hands. “Tell me how it’s going at home. Has he found you a husband yet?”

“No.” Zara rolled her lips together as she glanced over her shoulder like she expected our father to be there. “But it’s been bad.Papàis losing it over Adam getting the underboss position.”

“Wait.” I held my hand up. I must not have heard her right. “Adam got what?”

Zara and Emma exchanged a look before Emma focused on me again. “You didn’t know?”

I shook my head. Why wouldn’t he tell me? We said we were building this life together, but he’d just let himself fall deeper into the world I’d run from. How could he do that without talking to me first?

“How do you know?” I asked Zara, trying to process what she was telling me. Maybe she’d gotten it wrong.

“Papàcame home in a rage after meeting with Matteo and Adam.”

My chest tightened. Fear wrapped around my heart. Adam had seen my father and didn’t say anything.

My father was venom. He was cancer. He could infect something perfectly healthy and take it down. He changed you in your cells. Ruined you.

Was… was Adam working with him?

I felt like I couldn’t breathe. Like the earth was crumbling beneath me. And the sick thing was, Adam was the only one I wanted.



Islammed the car door closed, stomping into the house. I could hear Adam behind me, and I didn’t care. I didn’t know what to say to him. How to ask the questions that felt like bile in my throat.

I instantly believed him when he said he hadn’t known about my miscarriage. But now I was questioning everything. He was having secret meetings with my father. Taking promotions without telling me.

Was I just a pawn in a game I didn’t know I was playing? Was I falling right into my father’s hand?

The man who’d raised me would’ve come storming into this house to drag me home. Yet, he hadn’t shown up once. Maybe because I was exactly where he expected me to be. Exactly where he wanted me.
