Page 82 of Promised

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“Adam?” Ariella rolled her head to the side, blinking up at me.

“I’m right here.” I choked as the tension in my chest loosened. I took a full breath for the first time since bringing her to the hospital.

I’d clutched her hand through tests and scans. Whispered in her ear as they’d bandaged and stitched her up. Stroked her hair as they told me we wouldn’t know if there was permanent damage until she woke up.

I refused to leave her side all night. The nurses looked at me with pity in their eyes as they tried to convince me to go home and rest. But I’d rather die than let her wake up in another hospital room without me.

I’d listened to the steady beeps on the machines for hours. Each one confirmed she was still alive. That she hadn’t been taken from me.

I don’t know what I’d do if she didn’t wake up. I’d spent years hating her. Hoping for her death. I’d pictured it. Wished for it. And now the reality might kill me.

She was everything. I was nothing without her.

“The baby.” She gasped as she curled to the side. Her skin was ashen as she looked up at me with those soft, honey-colored eyes. “I lost the baby.”

Her words sucked all the air from my lungs. The pain on her face cut into my heart. I wrapped my arm around her waist, dragging her small frame to the edge of the bed. She was desperate as she clung to me.

“Nightling, that was years ago.” I tried to stay calm as I swiped the tears from her face. “Do you remember what happened tonight? With Britney?”

Her eyes were glassy as she blinked at me. Her lips twitched into a smile, making my stomach roll. “She brought you here. I knew you’d come.”

“No, Ariella.” I ran my fingers through her hair, trying to breathe through the worry gripping my chest. “She lied, remember?”

“She’s a good friend.” She mumbled as her eyes slowly closed.

My lungs seized. My fingers tightened on her hip. “Don’t close your eyes. Look at me.”


Her breathing evened out as she fell asleep again. But I couldn’t breathe. A million questions raced through my mind.

Had she forgotten the last seven years? Was she going to wake up and relive the pain of losing our baby all over again? Would she remember the last month together? Would she forgive me again when she learned I hadn’t come to her seven years ago?

Had I lost her?



Iwoke with a start, only one thing on my mind.

“Adam!” The world spun as I sat up.

It was like I’d had a hundred drinks. Nothing wanted to stay in place as I clutched my head. My face throbbed, letting me know none of it was a dream.

Britney. The beating. Killing her. It was all real.

“Right here, nightling.” A shuddering breath left my lungs as he grasped my elbow, steadying me. “You’re safe.”

The room started to come into focus. My heart rate slowed as I saw the beige hospital ceiling. Smelt Adam’s familiar scent. Felt his warm skin. The setting sunlight poured into the windows, telling me I’d been asleep for most of a day.

Our eyes connected as I turned to face him. His were so blue, filled with worry and fear. “I thought I’d lost you last night. Do you remember what happened?”

“I didn’t—I wasn’t—Britney sent that message. She—.” I was frantic as I desperately tried to explain. I didn’t want him to think for a moment that I’d tried to leave. That I didn’t want him.

“Hey, hey. It’s okay, I know.” He spoke softly, stroking my cheeks. I took a deep, calming breath as he kissed my forehead gently. I winced as he pulled me to his chest, but I didn’t care if it hurt. I didn’t want to let him go. “Fuck, when you first woke up, you had no idea where you were. You thought it was seven years ago.”

Oh god. He must have been going crazy wondering if I’d come back to him. I held him tighter, ignoring the aching in my ribs.

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