Page 85 of Promised

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Gio’s throat bobbed as he stared down at the dark iris. Our minds struggled to process body parts when they were removed from the whole. We couldn’t stand seeing ourselves as fragile. So easily picked apart. It was why body horror movies created such a visceral reaction.

But some of us, the special few, could separate it. Just as easily as we separated those parts.

“Fascinating, aren’t they?” I smiled at him as he continued to stare down at it. An eye he’d no doubt spent hours looking into. Memorizing as he talked to its owner. “You can really see the truth in people’s eyes.”

I closed the distance between us. A grin spread across my face as I felt the eyeball pop as I stood right in front of him. He cringed as he heard the squish.

I tilted my head until he was staring into mine. Seeing what I’d become. What he’d help create by taking my girl from me. “Do you see it in mine?”

Gio’s jaw worked back and forth, but eventually, he jerked his head.

“Good, then we have an understanding.” I moved towards the door he’d come in. “I’ll see you at the wedding.”

I felt a sense of relief as I walked away. I’d gone into that shed years ago as an orphaned kid. Scared shitless, praying he didn’t know my secret. Today, I walked out a man who had none.

My cards were on the table. He knew exactly what would happen to him if he came for her. I couldn’t protect her before, but now I could. I could finally fulfill my promise.



My stomach tightened with nerves as I watched the last of the sun disappear, waiting for the perfect moment. I’d seen death, inflicted pain, lost everything I cared about, and I’d never been more nervous than I was now.

Ariella sighed as she rested her head on my shoulder, unaware of the chaos inside me. I felt everything more acutely. The tree I leaned against dug into my spine as she pressed her back to my front. Her skin felt like fire under my fingers as I stroked her stomach.

“This is nice.” She tilted her head to smile at me.

I felt like I couldn’t breathe when I saw the happiness in her honey eyes. I pushed a strand of hair from her face to get a clear view of them. I’d searched forever for those eyes. The ones that had haunted my nightmares.

I’d once thought they were going to be my past. But now I got them in the present. I got to wake up with her. See them shine as she smiled. Or glaze in pleasure as I buried myself inside her.

And hopefully, after today, they’d be my future. I’d never have to be without them.

My heart raced in my chest as I plucked a flower from the field around us. Ariella chuckled as she watched me twist it into a ring like I used to do. I slid it down her finger as I whispered in her ear.

“I’m not a good man, nightling. I’ve made mistakes. I’m not the man I was before. But I can still love you the same. If you’ll let me.”

I intertwined our fingers, bringing her palm to my lips. “I love the man you are. I wouldn’t want anyone else.”

Her words filled my chest with hope as I pushed my other hand into my pocket. The metal felt cool against my skin as I pulled it out. Ariella’s eyes widened as she saw it.

“Adam?” She gasped.

“Will you marry me?” I slid the engagement ring down her finger. It nestled perfectly next to the flower one.

I made it sound like a question. A request. But it wasn’t.

She was mine. If she said no, I’d just keep asking. I’d tie her to the bed and fuck her till she agreed.

“The three diamonds are supposed to represent our past, our present, and our future. I had it custom-made for you.” I touched the smaller diamond on the left. “I’ve had this one for a while.” I watched the tears pool in her lashes as I cleared my throat. A wave of memories threatened to drown me. “That night, I was planning on giving it to you.”

She didn’t say anything, just grasped the back of my neck to crash our mouths together. Her lips parted, and I slid my tongue inside. I fisted her hair as I claimed her. Letting her know who she belonged to.

She whimpered as I pressed forward, forcing her back on the ground. I never broke our kiss as I slid my hands up her legs. Spreading them, I settled between her thighs, exactly where I belonged.

She was just as frantic as I was. Her nails raked up my chest as she pulled at my shirt. I matched her energy, yanking her dress up her body. Our lips separated as we peeled our clothes off, tossing them aside.

Then I was on her again. As soon as our tongues touched, she moaned. I thrust my hips at the sound, unable to control myself. I needed to feel her. Needed to be inside her.
