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“Stop being a party pooper. No one is blaming you.”

He frowned. “It’s because I haven’t been in town in almost a week.” He’d never been a coward, but he figured the longer he stayed away, the more likely the townsfolk would forget.

“Please.” She steepled her hands as if in prayer and that was his undoing. He couldn’t deny her. "Alright," he conceded, a small smile pulling at the corners of his lips as he dusted his hands off on his work jeans. "Let's do it." He crossed the room to join her, causing Catsby to leap off his spot and Gunner to lazily lift his head to survey the change.

Amanda set her notebook and pencil on the chair after standing up. They faced each other, only a breath of space separating them. Their eyes locked, mirroring their affection. Amanda tipped onto her toes, her fingers threading around Jackson's shirt as she coaxed him closer. Their lips connected in a tender, lingering kiss that stirred a rush of emotion.

After pulling back, they kept their foreheads resting against each other, their breaths merging in the center. A moment of comfortable silence wrapped them, emphasizing the depth of their shared connection. Amanda released him before fetching her jacket from the coat stand. Her lips were still curled in a contented smile. "This will be so much fun."

After casting a final look at his unfinished work, Jackson ensured the fire was banked and the screen was in place before he followed suit. He bent down to ruffle Gunner's soft fur, whispering a quick “be good” before waving a playful farewell to the aloof Catsby. With a final glance at the room, he followed Amanda outside and closed the cabin door behind them.

The pickup engine rumbled to life, a low and comforting purr that vibrated beneath them. The truck was much like Jackson himself—rugged, dependable, and filled with a quiet strength that was undeniable. At least, that was how he thought people once saw him.

They made their way down the country road to the highway. The route, framed by the snowy landscape and distant mountains, was almost magical. Above them, a hawk made lazy circles in the sky, its piercing eyes scanning the ground below. A deer flashed across the road and vanished into the thick brush.

Amanda broke the silence, her voice soft but laced with concern. "You haven't been to the bar in days, Jackson. You can't keep hiding." The words hung in the air between them.

They drove silently for a few seconds before Jackson responded, his voice gruff. "Cannon gave me a few days off when I said I needed time." He glanced over at her, looking for some understanding.

She nodded. "That was considerate of him."

"Yeah," he agreed, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. "I guess ... I guess I'm just scared. What happened wasn't intentional, but I can't shake off the feeling that folks are blaming me."

She reached over and gave his hand a gentle squeeze. "Jackson, people aren't always as harsh as we make them out to be in our heads. Sometimes, they're just concerned, not blaming."


She cut him off. "What happened was an accident. And everyone knows that. You're punishing yourself more than anyone else is."

He fell silent, letting her words sink in. Maybe she was right—he was unable to forgive himself, projecting his guilt onto others. It wasn't easy, but perhaps facing the people and moving forward was the right thing to do. The problem was he wasn't sure he was ready for that.

"You're probably right.”

The drive led them into Copper Creek, a much larger town, busier than Aspen Cove and fully decked out for the holidays. Christmas lights shone from every building, illuminating the streets in festive colors. Shop windows displayed various Christmas merchandise, each more enticing than the last.

Their first stop was The Glittering Fir. They stepped inside and were met with a rush of holiday cheer. Christmas songs played in the background while shoppers moved through the store eagerly. Every step brought a stronger smell of pine and cinnamon, no doubt from the garland strung around the entryway and candles that burned in pretty glass jars. It was like Christmas had already arrived.

Amanda seemed to shine in this environment. She moved from aisle to aisle, her fingers brushing over shimmering ornaments and strands of lights. She was like a kid in a candy store, and Jackson found joy in just watching her.

"Jackson," she called, waving two strands of Christmas lights at him—one cool blue, the other warm gold. "Which one would look better on our tree?"

He took a moment to look at her eyes sparkling with happiness before shrugging. "Whichever one keeps that smile on your face." At that moment, surrounded by the festive cheer, Jackson realized that his worries about returning to Aspen Cove paled in comparison to the joy he was experiencing right now, just being with Amanda. They bought warm gold lights.

After The Glittering Fir, they visited several other shops. Each was decked out for the holidays with various decorations, filling the air with sweet treats and peppermint scents. Amanda guided Jackson through each shop, considering the items and often asking for his opinion. Her enthusiasm entertained him, and he enjoyed the experience more than expected.

They spent the morning shopping, and the lively energy of the city left them feeling excited rather than tired. When lunchtime came around, Amanda suggested they find a place to eat. They chose a small café decorated with white lights and green garlands.

Inside, the café was warm and smelled of coffee and fresh bread. Soft jazz played in the background, creating an engaging and comfortable atmosphere. They sat by the window, watching the bustling town while they ate and chatted. Their conversation flowed easily, filled with shared laughs and stories.

Just as they were finishing lunch, Amanda got a text. After reading it, she seemed eager to get going. "Ready to head back?" she asked, looking toward the door. Although it was a sudden change, Jackson agreed. They picked up their shopping bags and headed back to their truck, ready to make their way home.

“I need to stop in town for a moment.”

Jackson frowned but nodded.

When they returned to Aspen Cove, he noticed a lot of activity in the town square. The place was packed, with people laughing and looking excited. Jackson was nervous, surprised by the unexpected crowd.

"Amanda, what's happening?" he asked, his voice shaky. He looked around at the crowd, bracing for harsh looks, but all he saw were friendly smiles and waves.
