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"You'll see," Amanda said, giving him a mysterious smile. “Let’s park.”

“But…” Though he was reticent to follow her directions, he pulled into a free space and parked the truck. This time she beat him out of the truck and rushed around to his door, opening it, and offering him her hand.

Her grip was solid and reassuring. He started to feel a little less worried and a bit curious.

“Grab the bags we bought.”

Everyone in the square got quiet and turned toward them. Jackson held his breath as he got the decorations from the truck.

Then he saw it.

In the middle of the square was a tree. But it wasn't just any tree but the giant spruce from Amanda’s yard. He was stunned, his mind trying to understand what he was seeing. He was shocked, confused, and relieved all at once.

He looked at Amanda, who was grinning. "Surprise," she said, her eyes brimming with tears. Jackson let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. He still couldn't believe what was happening.

Looking at the tree again, he saw it in a new way. It wasn't just a tree anymore. It was a symbol of hope and new beginnings and a sign of the strength of their bond. The kindness and forgiveness the people of Aspen Cove had shown him was overwhelming. They had given him another chance, and he was ready to take it.

In the sea of eager faces, a familiar one caught Jackson's attention. Dressed in her vibrant red winter coat, Katie started walking toward them. Her expression was filled with purpose, a sight that intrigued and worried him simultaneously.

"Jackson, Amanda," Katie greeted them, her tone radiating excitement. She gestured toward the giant spruce with a wide grin. "We needed a new tree, and Amanda here had a perfect one."

Confusion filled him. He glanced at Amanda. "But it was perfect where it was.”

With a soft squeeze of his hand, she turned to him. "I made a wish, Jackson. I wanted our tree to bring joy to everyone in Aspen Cove. It belongs here."

His heart pounded, realization dawning on him. The Wishing Wall. The secret trips to town. The sudden text messages. It all made sense now.

"But ... how?" he managed to stammer out. Moving a tree that size was no small feat, especially in the heart of winter.

"With a lot of help and a little bit of hope,” Katie chimed in. “We hired an arborist, dug it out, and brought it here. Given the shock of being uprooted and relocated, we had to stake it to support it."

Katie's gaze drifted toward the tree. Her smile was tinged with worry. "He said there's no guarantee it'll survive... The timing, the weather, it's not ideal."

Amanda's response was immediate, her words spoken with a faith that left him in awe. "Katie, all things thrive when planted and grown with love."

He could only watch, a lump in his throat, as the rest of the townsfolk approached them. Their hands were filled with strands of new Christmas lights, their faces reflecting the forgiveness and acceptance that their gesture implied.

They plugged them in strand by strand, to make sure everything was in order. With the lights in his hands and the people of Aspen Cove around him, Jackson was speechless. He glanced at Amanda, her eyes reflecting the warm glow of the Christmas lights.

"But I thought you loved that tree," he said, his voice filled with emotion.

She smiled at him, her words resonating through the chilly air. "I do, Jackson. But I love you more."

His heart stopped and then started with a bang as her words repeated in his mind. "You ... you love me?"


"Yes," Amanda replied quietly, surprising herself with the certainty in her voice. "I do." Her confession was lost to the wind yet heard by the one person it was intended for.

Jackson's face transitioned from shock to disbelief to a soft smile that made her heart flutter. His eyes warmed with newfound understanding, a clarity that even she was still grappling with. She loved him. She had recognized his strength almost instantly—a silent, unyielding resilience that had seen him through the worst of times. His features, carved from experiences she could only imagine, told a tale of endurance and survival. It was a strength not just of body but of spirit, honed by adversity and trials she knew were part of his past. The thought of the horrors he'd faced, the life he'd led during the chaos of war as a soldier, made her admire him even more. He had weathered countless storms, each leaving its mark, shaping him into the man he was now—a man who, despite all odds, managed to love and be loved.

She'd seen the tenderness with which he treated the people he cared about, his dedication unwavering and selfless.

He was strong but also full of laughter and good-natured humor that had a way of sneaking past her defenses. It was a potent combination that stirred something in her that she couldn't quite name.

Reaching up, she touched his face, his stubble prickling against her fingertips. Leaning in, she said, "You are kind and patient, handsome and strong." She tugged him down so her lips were next to his ear. "You're also an excellent lover." She stepped back and a blush spread from his neck to his ears. It was unexpected, a sweet testament to the man beneath the tough exterior.

"I'm glad you think so."

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