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He had spent days replacing panels, sanding, and then painstakingly applying multiple coats of low-VOC paint in a soft cream color. Amanda had been adamant that this would be the perfect shade to set off the rustic walls, and she was right. They were the perfect compliment.

Gunner stretched out next to the warm hearth while Catsby had found a comfortable spot on a chair, observing the proceedings with a curious eye.

Steam rose from the slow-cooked stew on the stove, a new recipe Amanda was trying. She was an excellent cook, and he loved their time together in the kitchen.

His gaze wandered to her, bathed in the soft light of her desk lamp, wholly engrossed in her writing. Her fingers paused over her keyboard as she turned to him. "Dinner will be ready soon."

He grinned at her, sniffing the air theatrically. "Smells amazing, sweetheart. Can't wait to try it."

Excitement filled her eyes. "I'm glad. And the paint ... it's okay for the animals to be here?"

Nodding his head, he chuckled. "It's low-VOC and safe for us and the pets. You can't even smell it."

She lifted her nose in the air. "You're right. All I smell is the stew." She returned to her screen, her fingers resuming their movement across the keyboard. He continued to watch her, intrigued by the intense focus she exhibited. He couldn't wait to read what she'd put hours of passion into writing, but it would remain a secret until Meg edited it and Amazon printed it.

After their meal, Jackson stood from the table and gathered the dishes. Amanda protested, but he shook his head with a smile. "You cooked. I clean. It's only fair."

As he cleaned the dishes, Amanda leaned against the counter, her arms crossed. "You did a great job with the cabinets, Jackson. They look amazing."

He glanced back at her, offering a smile. "Thank you. I'm glad you like them."

Just before he left for his shift, he pulled her close, pressing a lingering kiss to her lips. "I'll see you when I get back, sweetheart." She returned to her computer to type as he slipped out the front door.

* * *

At the bar,the welcoming atmosphere warmed Jackson. He enjoyed the friendly banter with the regulars and the stories they shared. As the evening wore on, Doc entered the bar, his eyes alight with the promise of competition.

"Ready to lose another game, Jackson?" Doc taunted, sliding onto a stool.

Jackson laughed, shaking his head. "Not tonight, Doc. Tonight is my night."

As they began their tic-tac-toe game on the countertop, Doc started conversing about the town's Christmas tree. "That was a beautiful sight. The tree, all lit up."

Jackson nodded, his eyes on the makeshift game board. "It was a special moment."

Doc paused, giving him a knowing look. "You two seem quite taken with each other." Doc finished the game quickly, winning his nightly beer as usual. Jackson poured him a frosted mug.

Jackson's heart warmed at the thought of Amanda. "I can't deny that Doc. She's ... she's something else."

Doc nursed his beer as he looked at Jackson. "You seem happy, son. This life suits you."

Jackson paused, a soft smile gracing his lips as he thought of Amanda. "I am Doc. I never thought I could be this content."

Doc raised an eyebrow, a glint of curiosity in his eyes. "Ever think about making it more permanent? Marriage, children?"

Jackson laughed, remembering Doc's earlier advice. "Now, didn't you tell me to take things slow?"

Doc chuckled, taking a long sip of his beer. "Yep, you got me there. I love having you two here. Marriage and babies seem to keep people in place."

"We aren't going anywhere." He couldn't imagine himself in another town, living in another home, or being with another woman. Amanda, the cabin, and Aspen Cove were all he needed. And the babies, those would come when the time was right. He was certain.

As the night progressed, the bar started to thin out, each patron heading home. Doc was one of the first to leave, giving Jackson a friendly pat on the back before making his way home in time to watchDancing with the Starswith Agatha, whom he called Lovey.

Soon enough, it was just him, Red, and Viv. Viv was a fiery woman with a quick wit, who, along with her boyfriend Red, had become family to Jackson. Viv was the first person he'd met when his truck broke down on the side of the road, and she felt terrible for his dog and gave them a ride into town.

She swirled her drink as she stared at him. "You know, it's funny how life works, right?"

Jackson looked at her, raising an eyebrow as he wiped down a nearby table. "How so?"
