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"I don't think ... I know."

Hand in hand, they stepped into the crowd that had gathered around the massive spruce tree. A cheer rose as they approached, the townsfolk encouraging Jackson to take the honor of hanging the lights on the tree. He glanced back at her with a sheepish smile as he shrugged off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves.

Thomas and the rest of his fire crew stood nearby, just in case.

"Come on, Jackson! You can do it!" Maisey shouted.

With one last glance at Amanda, he stepped forward, taking a coil of lights from Doc. The crowd quieted, watching as he dressed the tree, the lights casting a heavenly glow on his face.

Each movement he made was measured and deliberate, his respect for this tree and the town's new tradition apparent in how he handled each strand. These small moments, these little glimpses into who Jackson was, made Amanda's heart pound.

The tree lit up, bit by bit, until it stood glowing in the heart of the town's square, a beacon of holiday cheer. The sight was stunning, but Jackson, standing beneath the tree with a satisfied smile, took her breath away.

As the crowd erupted into applause, she knew she'd made the right choice. She had no idea what the future held but she wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Because here, with Jackson, everything felt right.

As tree lights twinkled and the town hung their ornaments, a collective sigh of awe swept through the crowd. The atmosphere was electric, the tree's luminescent glow adding a fairylike touch to the otherwise humble place. As if on cue, the first notes of a familiar melody floated through the air. One by one, people joined in, their voices blending into a heartwarming creation that filled the night with cheer.

The sound of the singing wrapped around Amanda like a hug. It was a picturesque moment to witness the people of Aspen Cove coming together to celebrate.

As the last strains of "Silent Night" echoed across the square, Maisey emerged from the diner with a tray filled with mugs of steaming hot cocoa. She moved through the crowd with practiced ease, passing out the warm drinks. Rich dark chocolate drifted through the air. It was a comforting and familiar scent that filled Amanda's heart with gratefulness.

While people warmed their hands and spirits on Maisey's cocoa, Katie appeared with a tray of homemade cookies. The sight of the baked goods brought forth smiles and eager hands, the sweet treats adding yet another layer to the celebration.

The caroling gave way to laughter and conversation, the square buzzing with energy as friends, family, and neighbors swapped stories and shared in the holiday spirit. Jackson was pulled into a conversation with a group of older men, but his laughter echoed over the sound of the bustling crowd.

She moved among them, a warm mug of cocoa in her hand, and wondered if Bea would be proud. She listened to tales of past holidays, laughed at old town legends, and shared her own stories. She realized she'd met and talked to everyone in town. They were now a part of her life and future.

Everybody here had their pasts, hopes and dreams, and heartaches. Yet tonight, under the glow of the holiday lights and in the comfort of shared goals, they were one.

It was in this small town, among these people, and with Jackson by her side, that she was beginning to feel like she was home. And as the last notes of a carol moved through the night, she knew, with a heart full of hope, that this was where she belonged.

The celebration in the town square wound down. Hand in hand, Amanda and Jackson made their way to the truck and back to the cabin.

Once inside, they shook off the winter chill, hanging their coats and kicking off their boots before sinking into the comfortable couch and relishing the feel of each other's company.

"Thank you,” he said.

She laid her head on his shoulder. "Anything for love."

They spent the next hours reflecting on the day's events. They talked about the holiday songs they sang, the laughter, the sense of togetherness, and their feelings. The conversation flowed easily between them, as though they'd known each other for years instead of weeks.

As the evening deepened into night, they found themselves off the couch, out of their clothes, and naked in front of the fire. Amanda lay there as Jackson showed her how great a lover he was. He started with a kiss, exploring her curves with soft caresses, each touch eliciting a pleasured moan. His hands moved to her hips, waist, and shoulders until his fingers tangled in the curls of her hair.

Their bodies became entwined in a passionate and tender embrace, each movement expressing a deeper intimacy that could only be born from true love. As he entered her, Amanda was drawn closer to him with each stroke. She clung to him as the sensations of pleasure began to build.

The fire crackled in the background while their lovemaking played out in the foreground. With each thrust, the heat between them seemed to rise until they were both lost in an intense fog of bliss.

Time seemed to stand still as they moved together until, in one explosive finale, they reached the heights of ecstasy together. Gasping for breath, they slowly fell back into reality, their hearts pounding between sighs of contentment.

Jackson rolled off her and pulled Amanda close. Laying his head on her chest, he whispered, "I love you," as they lay there peacefully, basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking.

"I love you more," she said.

As night gave way to morning and the world slowly crept back in, Amanda knew that whatever life had in store for them, she was ready for it because here with Jackson was where she would stay.


Jackson stepped back and held the brush high in the air, admiring his work with a satisfied sigh. It had been a labor of love, transforming the worn and broken cabinets to their current renewed state.
