Page 26 of Crushed Promises

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“Lots of fun. My dad is the best dad in the whole world!” Shannon broke away from Jillian to treat him to an exuberant hug before running back to join her friends.

“You heard her,” Alec said jokingly. “If anyone needs me, I'll be out buying a pony.” He couldn’t help the goofy grin that spread across his features.

“Don’t let Shannon hear you say that,” Andrea said with a chuckle. “She might hold you to it.”

Alec half expected Jillian to take off after the first hour, but she hung in there through games, pizza, cake and ice cream and finally the gift opening. When Shannon sat down to open her presents, she reached for Jillian’s first.

“A doctor's bag!” Alex 's jaw dropped when Shannon opened a doctor's kit. Only this one was nothing like the plastic ones you got in the stores. Jillian had put together a real bag full of actual instruments and supplies—all child friendly of course. “I love it, Dr. Jillian. Thanks so much!”

“You are very welcome.” Jillian blushed as almost every Monroe stared at her, as if gauging how close she was to becoming a permanent member of the family.

He tried not to sigh. His family meant well, but Jillian wasn't in the running to become Shannon’s stepmother.

Was she?

No. That was not an option. She was simply a generous person. He knew the only reason Jillian had come to the party at all was because she hadn't wanted to disappoint Shannon. And he was grateful for that.

Turning his attention back to his daughter, he watched as she went through the rest of her presents. There was still time to play after the gift opening before parents returned to pick up their children, so he shooed the girls back outside. Shannon carefully carried her precious gifts into her bedroom.

He quickly followed the dozen girls to keep an eye on them. Heaven forbid anything happened to one of them while under his care. He stood by the inflatable slide, waiting for Shannon to return. When she didn't come back outside right away, he left Adam in charge and headed back into the house.

Walking down the hall towards Shannon’s room, he heard voices. Slowing his steps, he shamelessly eavesdropped.

“My mommy died of cancer,” Shannon was saying in a matter-of-fact tone. “And the doctors tried to save her life, but they couldn't. I think by the time I'm a grown up, doctors will know how to cure cancer, don't you?”

“Yes, I do.” Jillian's voice was soft. “I think you're a very brave girl to want to help others.”

“When I first came here to live, I cried a lot because I missed my mommy,” Shannon said in a low voice. “But now I have my daddy, and my grandma and my grandpa, and my aunts and uncles. Oh, and my cousins Beth and Ben. A whole family of my own.”

“You have a wonderful family,” Jillian murmured.

“Yes, I know. Especially my Daddy. I love him best of all. Do you like my Daddy, Dr. Jillian?”

There was a long pause and Alec held his breath waiting for Jillian’s answer.

“Of course I like your Daddy. He's a very nice man.”

“Good. Because I think he likes you, too.”

Whoa, what is this? His six-year-old daughter was arranging his love life? Deciding he’d eavesdropped long enough, he wrapped on the door frame a moment before entering Shannon’s room. Both Shannon and Jillian were sitting cross legged on the floor, the real doctor’s bag between them.

“There you are. Your friends are all outside, Shannon. You should go out and say your goodbyes because their parents will be coming to pick them up soon.”

“Okay, Daddy.” Shannon jumped to her feet. He crossed over to offer Jillian a hand to help her up. “Thanks again for coming to my party.” Shannon gave Jillian another quick hug before dashing outside to join her friends.

“What was that all about?” He felt guilty for asking as he’d already overheard a good portion of their conversation.

Jillian’s gaze was serious. “Nothing really. A little girl talk, that's all.”

He told himself now to push for more. He was glad Jillian was there for his daughter. He reached up to tuck a strand of Jillian’s hair behind her ear. “I want you to know how much I appreciate you coming today. Your presence meant a lot to Shannon.” After a moment's hesitation, he added, “And to me. Honestly, you have no idea how terrifying ten young girls can be.”

She laughed. “If you think they're terrifying now, wait until they're sixteen and getting ready to go to the prom.”

The image of Shannon wearing an evening dress with her hair piled on her head made him wince. He put a hand to his chest and pressed against his sternum. “Don't. Please. I can't go there yet.”

Her smile was surprisingly sad. “I think you're going to do just fine.”

She moved to step past him, intent on leaving Shannon’s room, but he caught her hand in his. “What's wrong?”
