Page 40 of Crushed Promises

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Enough. He was driving himself crazy. She was here with him now, and that was all that mattered.

“How was work?” He mentally winced at the inane question.

“Busy as usual.” She hesitated. “The staff were far more subdued today, even angry after being interviewed by the police.”

He grimaced. “I’m sorry about that. It’s unfortunate that we have to question everyone in order to uncover the truth.”

“I know.” She smiled sadly. “I just miss the camaraderie we once shared. The narcotic thefts have destroyed that feeling of teamwork.”

“It’s never easy to know you’re working with a thief.” Alec glanced at her. “I’m sure the staff are all staring at each other, wondering which one is guilty.”

“They are.” She sighed. “And others are gossiping about it, as well. Too bad Wayne Netter’s name wasn’t on the list. No one would miss him if he was arrested for the crime.”

He frowned. “Has he been bothering you again? My youngest sister, Amber had trouble with a doc last year, and the hospital forced him out of his position.”

“Really?” She sounded surprised. “He must have done something big, then. Most doctors are not let go because they are jerks.”

“I guess not.” He hated knowing this Netter guy was giving Jillian a hard time. “Have you ever been to DiCarlos?”

“Never.” She smiled. “I’m sure it will be wonderful.”

The tension eased, and soon they were chatting about other stuff. His family, and hers. Although hearing about how she lost both of her parents was heartbreaking. He couldn’t imagine not having his parents in his life. Abe and Alice Monroe were celebrating forty years of marriage in a few weeks and the kids had banded together to throw them a party.

One he hoped Jillian would attend with him.

Was it too soon to ask? Maybe. This was only their first date.

Although he felt as if he’d known Jillian for months.

He pulled up in front of the restaurant, using the valet parking since he knew there wasn’t much general parking available especially in summer. The walk to the lakefront didn’t take long. The beach was packed with people, and he grinned when he saw a rousing game of sand volleyball. Once he’d have jumped in to play.

“Looks like fun,” Jillian said.

“Do you play?” He sent her a sly grin. “We Monroe’s tend to be on the competitive side.”

“Why doesn’t that surprise me?” She asked, rolling her eyes.

After an hour of walking, they headed back to the restaurant. The atmosphere inside was romantically cozy. As they took their seats, he leaned forward. “This was where my sister Amber and her husband Nick had their first date.”

“Really?” She eyed him curiously. “How long ago was that?”

“Last summer. They were married back in April.” He turned his attention to the menu. “From what Amber said, everything here is delicious.”

Their server brought a plate of appetizers. It was oddly romantic to share them with Jillian. He was in over his head but didn’t care enough to save himself.

“I know you don’t want to talk about the case,” Jillian said.

He held up his hand to stop her. “I really can’t. Please don’t ask me to.”

“Okay.” She sat back in her seat. “But will you do one thing for me?”

“Like what?” he asked warily.

“Will you let me know if you’re about to make an arrest.” When he didn’t answer, she added, “I’m the interim medical director of the emergency department. All I’m asking for is a heads-up if you’re about to take one of the staff into custody. It’s going to impact everyone, and I don’t want patient care to suffer.”

He could see why she’d want to be prepared for that. “Yes,” he agreed. “I’ll let you know.”

“Thank you.” Her smile was bright, as if he’d promised her the moon and the stars.
