Page 41 of Crushed Promises

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They lingered over their meal. Jillian had shared her salmon with him, and he’d offered her a bite of his tenderloin. With regret, he signaled for the bill.

The hour wasn’t that late, and he purposefully took a drive along the lakeshore before heading home. As much as he didn’t want the night to end, he knew they both had to work the next day.

She glanced at him in surprise when he pulled into his driveway. As if he had something more planned than dinner. He quickly reassured her. “Don’t worry, I was hoping you wouldn’t mind if I walked you home.”

Before she could answer, his phone rang. He was tempted to ignore it. Rafe could wait.

“Shouldn’t you get that?” Jillian asked.

His phone dinged with a text. He grimaced when he saw it was from Andrea.

Call me!

He did. “What is it? Shannon?”

“Yes, I’m sorry Alec, I’m on my way to your house right now. Shannon is sick with the flu. She wants to come home.”

“Of course.” He pushed out of the car, in time to see headlights approaching. “I’m here.”

“I see you. Thanks.” Andrea disconnected from the call. He stood for a moment, ashamed to realize he hadn’t even considered the call to be about Shannon. His thoughts had gone straight to work.

He shouldn’t have forgotten, even for a nanosecond that he had a daughter who needed him.

* * *

Jillian was keenlyaware of Andrea’s curious gaze as she handed a pale and tearful Shannon over to Alec.

“She feels warm,” Alec said with a frown.

“Daddy, I'm sick,” Shannon mumbled, lifting her head from his shoulder. “I don't like throwing up.”

“I know, munchkin. No one likes to be sick.” Alec cradled her close. “It's okay, you're home now.”

“I hate to dump her on you, but I need to get back.” Andrea sighed. “I'm sure it's just a matter of time before Bethany starts throwing up too.”

“Thanks, Andrea.”

His sister raised a hand before slipping back behind the wheel.

“Daddy, my tummy hurts again.” Shannon's tone turned into a whimper.

“Do you have a bucket?” Jillian feared Shannon was going to throw up again. “And some towels?”

“In the basement, I think.” He glanced at her. “Would you mind coming inside for a few minutes?”

“Of course.”

They headed inside and Alec walked into the living room to place Shannon on the sofa.

“I'll stay with her,” she offered. He flashed a quick smile, then retreated to find the bucket and towels.

Jillian settled beside Shannon, smoothing a hand down her back. The little girl was warm, likely running a low-grade fever. The little girl looked miserable and leaned her head against Jillian. “It's okay, your daddy will be back soon.”

“My tummy hurts.” She could tell the little girl was having stomach cramps by the way she clutched her belly and leaned harder against Jillian. If Alec didn't hurry, this poor child was likely to throw up all over his sofa.

“I know, sweetie.” Jillian continued to soothe Shannon.

“Found one.” Alec set the bucket on the floor and spread the towel out on an empty part of the sofa. He lifted Shannon up and set her on the towel, tucking the bucket close. “Hang on, I'll be right back.” He disappeared down the hall, returning a few minutes later with a pillow.
