Page 52 of Crushed Promises

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“I'm so sorry, he'll be okay. The surgeon will fix his wound. I promise, your dad will be okay.”

As Alec's family clustered around her, including her in their group embrace, crying as they offered silent support and audible prayers, Jillian silently hoped and prayed she was telling the truth.

* * *

Three hours later,Travis came to let them know the operation was over. He was cautiously optimistic that Alec would regain full function of his leg, and that the bruising to his chest and heart wouldn't leave any permanent damage.

Shannon, who had clung to Jillian the entire time, visibly brightened. “I can see my Daddy?”

“Not just yet,” Travis cautioned. “Give us a little time to get him settled. He's going to spend the night in the ICU, so we can keep a close eye on his circulation. I don’t want to take the breathing tube out yet. If all goes well, we should be able to remove the breathing tube in the morning. And if he's stable enough, transfer him to a regular room by the afternoon.”

“Thank you, God,” Amber whispered in a heartfelt prayer, clutching her husband’s hand. Then she turned to Andrea and Jillian. “We should take turns staying with him. I can take the first watch if you'd like.”

“Adam will be here soon,” Andrea pointed out. “He was called in to see a patient but planned to come here, afterwards. He’ll want to take a turn, too.”

“I’ll volunteer,” Nick offered with a smile. “We have plenty of medical help here to keep an eye on things.”

Jillian was humbled by the offers to stay with Alec. The Monroe family was really something, pulling together in a crisis in a way she'd never experienced before.

But falling in love with Alec, with his entire family—especially Shannon, didn't change the facts. She wouldn't impose her illness on them. And this was exactly why. If she were in a relationship with Alec, his entire family would rally around her in a similar situation. Her multiple sclerosis would affect everyone.

Shannon most of all.

It was time for her to leave.

She waited until Adam arrived, looking haggard and concerned, before trying to break away. She didn't get very far, because Shannon ran over to grab her hand.

“Are you still mad at Daddy?” The little girl asked her eyes red and puffy from crying.

“No, Shannon, I'm not mad at anyone.” How could she explain why she needed to leave when she really wanted to stay?

“Jillian.” Amber left Nick’s side to come over, a frown puckering her brow. “We'd really like you to stay. I'm sure you'll want to see that Alec is all right. And I know Alec will want to see you, too.”

Her determination to leave wavered. Between Alec’s family and the hopeful expression on Shannon's features, she caved. She couldn't leave the little girl now. She'd stay, at least until Alec was safely out of the ICU.

Yet being a part of the close-knit Monroe family, even for a short time while knowing it couldn't last, would be pure torture.

Rafe showed up asking about Alec. After he'd gone to see Alec, Jillian tugged Rafe off to the side for a private conversation.

“What will happen to Lacy and Eric?”

“They'll be held without bail,” Rafe replied. “I can't lie to you, Jillian. The DA’s office is pressing serious charges now that Daniel has died.”

She closed her eyes, feeling sick. “I know. I just wish there was something I could do. Lacy said she felt backed into a corner, taking drastic action to do what she felt was necessary to protect her brother.”

“I hear you, and that is something her defense attorney can explain to the judge.” Rafe shrugged. “Keep in mind, Daniel’s family will want to see them punished for the role their role in his death.”

“I understand.” And she did. Maybe Lacy’s intent had been to help her brother, but there was no getting around the fact a young man had died. And another had been shot over the very drugs that were taken from the hospital. She had little choice but to leave this in the hands of the justice system. “Thanks, Rafe. I appreciate the update.”

“I'll check on Alec tomorrow,” he promised before he left.

The night was long, but no one complained as each of the family members took turns sitting beside Alec's bed. When it came to Jillian's turn, she clutched his hand and wished things could be different. Wished she was healthy.

As Travis had anticipated, they eased off on Alec’s sedation early the next morning and removed the breathing tube. Alec woke up, seeming somewhat confused to be lying in a hospital bed. She stepped back, allowing his family to crowd around the bedside. They all looked happy now that they could speak with him. Her eyes burned with unshed tears at how Alec cradled his daughter close, reassuring her that he was fine.

A few hours later, they transferred Alec to a regular room. Which would have been Jillian’s cue to leave, except Alec surprised her by capturing her hand and tugging her close.

“Please, stay. We need to talk,” he said in a low tone.
