Page 50 of Flip Shot

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“We totally did.” He chuckles.

Theo groans as he leans back and runs his hands through the thick mess of curls on the top of his head. “Leaving me on read again.”

The light changes, and I hit the gas, with a little—okay, a lot—too much gusto, so much so that I squeal the tires and everyone in the back gets jumbled around.

“The fuck!” Evan laughs.

“Sorry. I’m so sorry.” I laugh as Kameron, Ellie, and Drew right themselves.

“Riley,” Koa groans. “I used to like you. Fuck it, still do, but your driving sucks.”

When I pull into the driveway, the doors open, and they start piling out.

“Koa and Theo, you should crash here,” Dean says.

“Need my bed,” Koa replies. “Never getting out of that thing again.”

“Hhm … home,” Theo mumbles, and I’m suddenly not as nervous.

“I’ll be back,” I tell Ellie.

“Nuh-uh, nope, no,” Theo grumbles and reaches over, his big paw wrapping around my upper thigh.

The tummy is again doing flips, and the heat has returned.

Ellie squeezes my shoulder. “Text.”

“Will do.” I nod to Leo. “Have fun with Leo.”

She whispers, “Have fun with Theo.”

* * *

In the fiveminutes it takes to drive to their apartment, being there’s hardly any traffic on campus tonight, Koa and Theo both pass out. Waking them isn’t easy, but it’s much easier than getting them out of the vehicle and inside the apartment. Thankfully, JT is walking in as I’m trying to load them into the elevator to the fourth floor.

I swear that’s all either of them dare say—to the fourth floor.

As soon as we’re in their apartment, Theo stumbles to what I assume is the bathroom, and Koa starts mumbling about needing a charger to call his ex.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, big guy,” Dash saunters out of what I assume is his bedroom, shirtless and in sweats.

“Don’t get paid to think,” Koa stumbles down the hall and into a room.

“Not a good idea,” Dash whispers to me and JT. “You two gotta stop him.”

“Us?” JT whisper-hisses at him. “He’s your best friend.”

“You two standing here, trying to figure out whose balls are big enough to deal with Koa is going to give him ample time to make a call he’s going to regret,” I say as I walk toward the room. “Apparently, mine are bigger than both of yours.”

As he’s ruffling through his drawers, I hear what I am sure is Theo hurling in the bathroom.

Koa looks from the dresser and sees me standing there. “Rivera?”


“Unofficialpractice is gonna hurt. My bad.” He starts throwing clothes out of the drawer and onto the floor.

“Whatcha looking for?” I ask.
