Page 51 of Flip Shot

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“How about you have a seat, and I’ll find it?” I say, having no intention of doing so, but hoping he’ll fall for it and pass back out.

“Put too much on you already,” he says. “Should’ve killed Skinner.”

“Trust me; he got what he deserved. And you in this state”—I motion up and down the length of him—“I’m sure I’ll need you to back me up at some point this year.”


I point to the bed. “I’ll find your charger.”

“’Preciate it.”

He stumbles over as he tosses off his shirt, and all I see is back muscles and arms decorated in ink. Then he pops the button on his jeans and shoves them down. Thankfully, he has on boxers or I would be getting eye full ofThe Cock’scock, and I have no desire to be disappointed. In my head, it’s a majestic member, so being proved wrong would suck. And hell no will I admit that to anyone. Not even Leah, who has a seriously twisted obsession with penises. One that’s apparently rubbed off on me a little bit.

After tossing back the covers, he slides into the massive bed.

“Find it yet?” he asks, fighting to keep his eyes open.

“Still looking.”

He slurs, “Extra, closet, suitcases.”

Picking up the clothes, folding them and putting them back in the dresser, I look back. “Gotcha, I’ll check there next. Where’s your phone?”

“Pants,” is all he says.

Once the clothes are put away, I check to see that Koa is passed out and pick up his ginormous jeans, reach into his pocket, and pull out his phone.

“Oh shit.”

I look to the door and see Theo, with a white towel wrapped around his lower body. He’s … stunning, and so much more cut than I imagined.

While I’m taking him in, he asks, “What is Koa doing in my bed?”

My eyes snap up to meet his that are slightly bloodshot, but still, his brown eyes with specks of golds that remind me of autumn are beautiful. And once again, he’s caught me checking him out.

“I didn’t know it was your room, and clearly, neither did he.” I look around and take it in differently, now knowing it’s his. His room is spotless. “You have the cleanest room I’ve ever seen.”

“Yeah,” he says, walking over to his dresser and opening a drawer. Then he pauses. “Did he—”

“Yeah, he was looking for his charger in there. His phone is dead, and he wanted to call Nalani, which is why I followed him. Pretty sure that wouldn’t be a good idea.”

“Good call.” He pulls a pair of ball shorts from the drawer and slips them on under the towel. He then turns and looks at me. “Dress is stunning, but I’ll grab you a sweatshirt to sleep in. It’ll be more comfortable.”

“Um, Theo, I’m not sleeping here.” I nod toward the bed. “Not only because it would be a bit crowded, but …” I shrug.

“Watch a movie?” he asks.

“You should sleep. You have ‘unofficial’ practice tomorrow. And pretty sure you were just throwing up in there.”

He cringes. “Hoping you didn’t hear that.”

“Kinda hard not to.” I shrug. “I’ve hugged the toilet a time or two.”

He cringes again. “Why not throw up in the sink?”

“What?” I laugh.
