Page 61 of Quaternion

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“Hats sell better,” Gabe quips.

Charlie sniggers. He’s about to get a real punch, and I’m not giving him the opportunity to get his guard back up.

“Gabe thinks we should work through our feelings about each other before we jump into sex,” Charlie says, resting his gloves on my thighs. “I agree. Nowwat I understand how big a thing sex can be if it’s with someone you love, I think we need to be solid with each other before we gang-bang Teddy.”

“Whoa-up! No one said anything about a gang-bang,” I protest.

Charlie nudges my shoulder as he lifts his chin at Gabe. “Did you say somethin’ about a gang-bang?”

“I did,” Gabe confirms.

“Well, I didn’t,” I object. “There will be no gang-banging.”

Darwin clears his throat. “Let’s not be hasty. If we were all in a good place emotionally or whatever, there could be gang-banging.”

“Hey!” I say, swatting him with my glove again.

He chuckles. “I still want a T-shirt.”

“Hat,” Gabe says.

“Is edging Teddy part of the No D for Teddy Society manifesto?” Darwin asks.

“Absolutely,” Gabe and Charlie say at the same moment, then elbow each other, sniggering like preschoolers.

I bury my face in my gloves. “Fuck my life.”

Gabe moves my gloves away and leans in for a sweet, deep kiss. “There’s nothing wrong with your life. We all love you, Teddy. We’re just taking it slow while we figure things out.”

Charlie runs his gloves up and down Gabe’s arm and my back. “I like that we’re going slow. Steamroller Sally here’s just gonna have to be patient.”

“Call me Steamroller Sally again and I will flatten you, Charlie Miller.”

The boys laugh at me.

I flop back onto Charlie’s chest with a huff. “Dicks.”

That just makes them laugh harder.


Practice Imperfect

After they get over their hilarity at my dick-drought and Charlie and I throw on trackies, we head to the practice dome.

The increased workload post midterms shows in the number of students using the dome on a Monday night. The enclosed tubes for Fire-mages are full, but since we already know about Darwin’s phoenix trick, we don’t need one.

Instead, we take the encircled patch of dirt I thought I’d never use. The ring next to us is empty, which reflects the small number of Earth-mages at the school.

Once we’re in the circle and its wards close around us, I ask Charlie, “What were you thinkin’ of, Chaz?”

“I think we should know what each of us can do,” he responds. “And then I want to practice using you as our focus again. Only not blinding you this time.”

I swallow hard. That’s not an experience I want to repeat, either. Or what followed it, although Doctor Prince’s bindings should keep me in my own Time.

“Teddy, we don’t have to—” Darwin begins.

Gabe puts his hand on Darwin’s arm. “We do have to. And don’t baby Teddy. She doesn’t need it.”
