Page 65 of Quaternion

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“If he knew my blood was tainted, he’d kill me.”

“Fuck that,” I snarl. “Your blood’s not tainted. You’re perfect, just as you are. Your celestial blood just makes your fae powers stronger. That’s not a taint. It’s a strength. Your father should celebrate—”

Darwin replaces Gabe’s fingers over my mouth with his warm lips, kissing me into silence. When he lifts his head, he looks into my eyes. “I love you, Teddy.”

“I-oh. I-um.”

He puts his fingers over my mouth. What is it with these boys gagging me? They should know better by now.

“I know it’s too soon for you to feel that way about me, much less say it. So don’t. But I want you to know how much your acceptance means to me. No one’s ever accepted me the way you do. But my father won’t ever accept my Empyrean spirit. You can’t tell him, Teddy.”

“I won’t,” I mumble against his palm. “I’d never put you at risk like that.”

He slides his hand away and gives me another kiss. Then he loops his arm around my waist and steers me toward Ouroboros again. Gabe walks between me and Charlie, holding our hands. Even though we’re not trying to share our magic, as soon as the four of us touch, the connection opens.

If I played Gabe’s game right now, I’d definitely lose. The energy flowing through me tightens my nipples and makes my belly melty.

As we walk up the path to our dorm, I elbow Darwin. “Don’t tell me what I’m feeling or when I can say ‘I love you’.”

He sighs. “I’ve gotten it wrong with you again.”

“Nah, mate, just don’t tell me what I’m feeling. My Da used to do that shite. He’d tell me I wasn’t sad mum was gone or that I didn’t miss her. My older brother, Danny, said he was trying to convince himself. I dunnow if that’s true, but I know he was trying to control me.”

Darwin runs his hand up and down my back, sending a rill of heat through me, even with all the layers of T-shirt, sweatshirt, coat, and scarf between his palm and my skin.

“I won’t do it again,” he promises. “I don’t want to remind you of your father. I just didn’t want you to feel obligated to say it back.”

“I don’t feel obligated, and I’ll say it in my own time.”

He’s silent as we walk. Something sparkles in the golden witchlight of the campus streetlights. Then soft, white flakes drift down to brush against my cheeks. I tip my head back to feel the snow’s cold kiss.

We stop to appreciate the snow. It’s not more than a dusting right now, although there are supposed to be a couple of centimeters by morning. As I’m staring up at the swirling sky, Darwin runs his fingers under my chin. I drop my head forward to look at him.

“Will you?” he asks. “Say it in your own time?”

I smile. “Yeah. Probably sooner if you give up your membership in the No D for Teddy Society.”

Charlie growls from where he’s standing on Gabe’s far side, his tongue stuck out to catch the snowflakes. “No emotional blackmail, bean. And don’t you dare try to divide and conquer.”

Darwin chuckles. “I don’t mind a little blackmail. I’m going to try to wait until Gabe’s ready, but it’s going to be hard. I meant everything I said to you in your hearth room. I’m desperate for you, teddy bear.”

“I’m desperate for you not to call me teddy bear.”

He grins. “Let me make it all up to you?”

“With an orgasm?”

He shakes his head. “Let me fix your hair.”

It’s not about my hair. It’s about trust. Do I trust him enough to let him do magic on me? Not just combining our powers, but let him change me, even if it’s just my hair?

It’s a test, and I need to ace it.

“Please,” I say. “Back of my neck’s right chilly. And throw in some purple streaks.”

Darwin’s eyes widen. “I’ve never tried to change the color.”

Gabe pinches my arse. “We can dye it. I want to do mine, too.”
