Page 10 of Dangerous Fortune

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“Straight flush,” Abby announces triumphantly, laying her cards down for all to see. A collective gasp echoes through the room, followed by a smattering of applause from the spectators.

Rodrigo’s mouth tightens, and I know instantly he has his sights set on the woman who can’t seem to make a wrong move.

“What are you going to do?” Nico asks quietly as he stands beside me?

“I’d love to put a bullet in bastard’s head, but I don’t have a good enough reason yet.”

Rodrigo approaches the table, and I notice his muscular build has grown. Has he had time off or decided to juice? His shaved head gleams under the dim lights as he sits at Abby’s table.

“You may have that reason before too long,” Nico mutters.

TheSerpent’spiercing eyes sweep the table, sizing up each player like prey before settling on Abby.

“Deal me in,” he demands, as the players at the table give him more than a cursory glance.

Abby holds his gaze, and I notice her hands shake ever so slightly. She knows who he is and what he’s capable of.

The game begins, and the determination in her eyes is unmistakable. She matches his bet, her hand steady, even as I sense her heart racing beneath her composed exterior.

“Call,” Rodrigo rumbles, his voice low and threatening. The dealer reveals the next card, and I see the gears turning in her mind as she calculates the odds.

“Raise,” Abby says, pushing more chips toward the center of the table. Her eyes meet mine momentarily, and I see a flicker of uncertainty, quickly replaced by resolve. She’s aware of the risk but clearly not willing to back down.

“Interesting move,” Rodrigo sneers, throwing in his own chips. “You must be feeling confident.”

“I’m not unconfident,” Abby retorts, her determination evident despite the tense situation.

“Raise again,” Rodrigo growls, his face hardening as he realizes Abby won’t be easily beaten. With each bet, the tension at the table ratchets up another notch, the spectators holding their breaths as the showdown unfolds.

“Call,” Abby replies, her voice firm and unwavering. The final card is revealed, and the room seems to freeze in anticipation. She studies her cards, her lips pressed together as she makes her decision.

“Check,” she announces, meeting Rodrigo’s gaze. He snarls, slamming his cards onto the table, revealing a strong hand.

Is it enough?

“Royal flush,” Abby says softly, flipping over her cards. The room erupts in a mixture of gasps as she collects the pot. Rodrigo’s eyes flare with rage.

“Looks like you underestimated me,” Abby says quietly, stacking her winnings.

Retribution brews behind Rodrigo’s eyes, and I know this game is far from over.

I’ve seen my fair share of talented card players, but there’s something different about this woman. She doesn’t just play the game; she commands it.

Abby holds theSerpent’sgaze. I would bet any of my collector comic books that she’s reading his body language and calculating his next move.

Rodrigo can barely contain his rage. There’s a dangerous edge to him, like a coiled snake ready to strike. Abby stacks her winnings, and I give Nico a nod.

The tension between Abby and Rodrigo grows, threatening to explode into something far more dangerous. I approach the table, eyes fixed on Abby and the storm brewing around her.

Rodrigo slams his hand down on the table with enough force to make the chips scatter. His gaze is locked on Abby, a venomous mixture of outrage and disbelief. “You’re a card counter and cheated!”

“Please,” she scoffs, her fingers dancing through her winnings with practiced ease. “I simply outplayed you.”

His anger surges like a tidal wave, threatening to engulf the entire room in chaos. I watch Rodrigo’s face contort with rage, his massive fists clenching at his sides.

“Enough!” I roar, my voice cutting through the tension like a knife. Ignoring Abby’s heady scent, I notice all eyes turning toward me as I put myself between her and the seething Rodrigo. The silence is palpable, broken only by the faint clinking of chips and the steady beat of my own heart. “She’s beaten you fair and square, Vargas,” I say, staring him down.

My voice is cold and unyielding, a warning not to push me further. “Accept your loss and walk away.” Her scent surrounds me, distracting me momentarily.
