Page 12 of Dangerous Fortune

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“I get it.”

“Excellent. Can we go back to talking about how delicious Enzo Bianchi smells? And as soon as we’re done with that, we can figure out why his sexual magnetism is dialed to a thousand, morning, noon, and night.”

“I’m surprised you didn’t say a million.”

Fanning my face, I laugh. “Believe me, I thought about it because if I hadn’t been wearing shapewear, my panties would’ve gone up in flames.”

“Where is my friend who’s been immune to men for the last couple of years?”

I raise my hand. “Here.”

“You must be an imposter.” Rolling her eyes, she flops against the wing-back chair. “Because the Abby I know would never consider crushing on a high-ranking mafioso praying it will miraculously result in a love story.”

“The man is a magnetar and almost impossible to resist.” I inspect my nails. “Not that I gave him a clue since I played it cool.”

“Are you watching Star Trek again?”

“No, but I enjoy an informative astronomy podcast now and again.” I pick a piece of lint off my favorite kitty sweatshirt. “A magnetar is the most powerful neutron star in the galaxy and is lethal at a distance of 1000 km.”

“Good to know.” She shakes her head. “The most important word in that definition is lethal, and that is exactly what getting involved with Enzo will be.”

“I know that!” My stomach churns as I listen to her warnings. Warnings I heard a hundred times from my own mother. “Don’t worry, I don’t have plans to do anything about my y crush.” I run my fingers through my curls. “Men like him don’t marry outside the family, so it’s not like starting something is possible.”

“I’m glad to hear you say that since fooling around with made men is bad for a woman’s health.”

Her words weigh heavily on the small part of my brain still capable of making smart decisions. My lady bits would love to take a short walk on the wild side with Enzo, but my head knows it would be foolish.

The old grandfather clock in the corner of the living room chimes softly, pulling me back to reality. Nadia’s voice cuts through my thoughts, her eyes full of concern. “Abby, I know it’s hard to resist someone like Enzo, but you can’t ignore the risks like I did.”

She sips her coffee, and I can see she’s trying to decide which story to share. My smart, fearless friend has a history of falling for pretty men who make empty promises. “Are we about to walk downdouchememory lane?”

“Yes!” She sits up. “Do you remember Carlo? Charming, passionate, with a smile that could stop your heart. Thank God his family discovered our relationship and forced him to end it. I would probably still be buying his pretty lies. They don’t marry outside the family, Abby. It’s a non-negotiable rule.”

I watch as she rubs her thumb over the handle of her mug, lost in memories. “And we can’t forget Rafael.” She closes her eyes. “His laugh was so infectious, you couldn’t help but join in. He promised me the world, then simply disappeared one day.”

Nadia looks at me, her brown eyes pleading for understanding. “Please don’t play with fire, no matter how intriguing the flames look.”

“You aren’t telling me anything I don’t know.” I sit up straighter and look her in the eye. “Nonno wasn’t a saint. I don’t know the particulars since Mom never gave us the details, but suffice it to say, the laundromats were not likely clean operations.”

“Of course, but that doesn’t mean—” she starts, but I hold up a hand to stop her.

“I see Enzo with clear eyes.” I trace the pattern on the armrest of my chair. “I have no interest in dating the guy. I’m just being honest about how I feel.”

“Do any of those feelings happen above your belly button?”

A surprised laugh falls out of my mouth. “Nadia!”


“The man is beautiful, and you would have to be dead not to notice.”

“And I’m not dead.” I glance around the room, taking in the familiar surroundings of my family home – the worn rug under the coffee table, the framed photographs on the mantel, and the antique clock that has been in my family for generations. “But his looks are not the most dangerous thing about him.”

“He got you with the display of chivalry when he told the arms dealer to take a hike.”

“I’ve never had anyone do that for me before.”

“A knight in shining armor is hard to resist.”

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