Page 13 of Dangerous Fortune

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“And a man in a Brioni suit is even more so.”

“We are suckers for excellent tailoring.”

“And men who smell so good it makes even the most well-behaved of us want to throw up a white flag.”

“Been there, done that, and have theI survived a mobsterT-shirt.”

The sunlight streaming through the window casts a warm glow over the room, illuminating the motes of dust dancing in the air. “I may need to get theI Survived a Scary Arms Dealer’version.”

Nadia leans forward. “How in the hell did you get on Rodrigo Varga’s radar? I thought you were avoiding him.”

I shudder involuntarily at the mention of his name. The man has been a dark cloud looming on the horizon since our encounter in the high-stakes poker game. “I regretted running off the first time and decided to hold my ground when he sat at the table I was playing at.” I let out a long sigh. “Who knew he would be such a baby about losing a half million dollars.”

“Why are you suddenly so brave? Facing off with the titan of toilets would’ve been a much better choice.”

“The Potty King almost had a heart attack the last time we played. I can’t have that on my conscience.” I rub my temples, feeling the beginnings of a headache.

“Maybe you could take a break from the local tables for a while,” Nadia suggests gently. “You can participate in one of those poker tournaments in Vegas.”

The reality of the danger looms large. “I don’t want to leave Nonno right now. We haven’t found enough caretakers that he feels comfortable with, and until we do, I need to stay right where I am.”

“Your brother could adjust his schedule and help out more.”

“The Prince of Pasta is trying to keep the restaurant going and can’t break away very often.”

“And yet, he always has time when his boyfriend flies in from Los Angeles.”

“He does his part.” I wave my hand toward the kitchen. “He cooks all Nonno’s meals and has lunch with him every day. Marco is letting Nonno beat him at cribbage as we speak.”

“Abby, this thing with Rodrigo is serious. He’s not the type of man to forgive and forget.”

“I’m well aware of that.” I run my fingers through my hair as I try to come to terms with the reality of my situation. Distance might be the only way to protect myself from the dangers lurking in the shadows.

“I’m here and will support you no matter your decision.”

“I appreciate it.” I stand and pace the length of the living room. The familiar walls adorned with photographs provide little comfort, only serving as a reminder of what’s at stake.

“There’s an answer. We just have to figure out what the best one is.”

I return to the sofa and trace the faded floral pattern. “I’m open to suggestions.”

“Atlantic City isn’t so far. If you decided to play there for a while, you would just be a quick flight away.”

“Nonno’s memory is fading fast, and I don’t want to miss the moments when his eyes light up with recognition.”

“I get it. You two have always been close.” She pauses, her expression shifting into one of determination. “We’ll figure out another way to deal with Rodrigo.”

“Really?” I bite back a smile. “Exactly how does one face off with an arms dealer with no regard for human life?”

“First, we need to gather more information on him and his connections. If we know what we’re dealing with, we’ll have a better chance at staying one step ahead.” Nadia offers, her fingers tapping against the armchair. “My newly minted PI license has to be good for something more than chasing down cheating spouses. Let me work some of my contacts at the police department and see if anything shakes loose.

“Sounds like a plan,” I say, appreciating her enthusiasm. It doesn’t have a chance in hell of succeeding, but I know it’s important for her to feel like she’s contributing.

“Be cautious. You need to keep a low profile, especially when playing at the private clubs,” she warns. “The man’s reach is far and wide, and I wouldn’t put it past him to have eyes and ears everywhere.”

I nod, feeling the weight of the situation sink in. “Alright. Low profile, gather intel. Anything else?”

“Trust your instincts,” Nadia says, her eyes meeting mine with unwavering sincerity. “If something feels off, don’t ignore it. You’ve got a keen sense for danger – use it.”
