Page 27 of Dangerous Fortune

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I watch him take a few steps backward. “Are there any other orders you’d like to give me?”

“I’ll let you know after our first glass of champagne.”

He spins around before I can respond. Feeling both nervous and excited by the prospect of what’s to come, I laugh uncomfortably, knowing my trip to Vegas couldn’t come at a better time.

I learned long ago not to gamble with something I can’t afford to lose, and allowing myself to be drawn in by the allure of enigmatic Enzo Bianchi would mean risking everything.



The door to my office creaks open, and my mother’s signature perfume fills the air. Donatella Bianchi, the acting matriarch of our family, stands in the doorway with an air of authority, and I know she’s not here to discuss the weather.

“Enzo, we need to talk,” she says, her voice smooth yet firm.

I exhale slowly. “What’s on your mind, Ma?”

“Gossip.” Her silver hair gleams under the dim office lights, framing her face like a halo. “I’ve spent the last hour listening to the women from thefamigliadiscuss your interest in a certain card shark.”

I clench my jaw, my fingers tightening around the pen in my hand. “Must be a slow news day if I’m the only gris available for the gossip mill.”

“You know that I don’t appreciate sarcasm.”

“And I don’t care for my personal life being discussed.”

Scoffing, she sits in the chair facing my desk. “The Cosa Nostra doesn’t have much use for privacy.”

“Be that as it may, it must be more than the ladies twittering that brought you down here.”

“Are you denying what the rumors suggest?”

“I don’t give a damn about rumors.”

Ma narrows her eyes, unimpressed by my attempt to deflect. “You know that’s not what I’m talking about,” she snaps. “You have a duty to fulfill, Enzo. You are promised to the New York Capo’s daughter. This... dalliance needs to end.”

I grind my teeth together as I force myself to maintain eye contact. I know she’s right – tradition and loyalty have always been the backbone of our family. But the thought of pushing Abby away feels like a knife twisting in my gut. “I understand the importance of fulfilling my duties.”

Her gaze softens ever so slightly, but her resolve doesn’t waver. “I know you’re struggling, Enzo,” she replies quietly. “But you know better than anyone that sacrifices must be made for the sake of our family.”

“Really?” I push my seat back from my desk. “You’re reminding me about sacrifices?” Her gaze flickers away, and I know that she understands there are lines she can’t cross.

“Ma,” I begin, my voice steady despite the storm brewing inside me. “The girl was promised to me, not the other way around. I have never shied away from my responsibilities.”

“Enzo, you know as well as I do that this isn’t about who was promised to whom. It’s about upholding our family’s honor and preserving our traditions.” She takes a deep breath. “Arranged marriages often offer a great deal of happiness. Look at your cousin Gianna and the Bratava Pakhan.”

“They are the exception and not the rule, and you know that.”

“True,” she admits quietly.

I can see the years of pain etched into her face, the memories of her sacrifices haunting her still. My father was a cruel bastard, and no one paid the price more than she did. “I respect all you’ve done for us,” I say, my voice filled with patience I don’t feel.

A flicker of sadness crosses her eyes, and for a moment, she appears vulnerable. But just as quickly, she regains her composure, her gaze meeting mine with unwavering resolve. “I did what I was raised to do and would do it again even knowing what I know.”

Silence hangs between us like a thick fog, suffocating me with its weight.

“Enzo, sometimes we must make difficult choices for the greater good,” she says softly, her eyes filled with sadness. “Just remember that whatever path you choose, there will be consequences.”

I grab the crystal decanter off the bookcase and pour myself a healthy shot of scotch. The memory of my father’s cruel nature wraps around me like a cold, unyielding chain. I can still hear the echoes of his harsh words and the haunting sound of his fists against flesh.
