Page 28 of Dangerous Fortune

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“You are not your father,” she states firmly. “But you know our world doesn’t allow sentimentality, and the sooner you accept it, the easier the next chapter will be.”

Her words strike a chord but are not strong enough to change my mind.

“Perhaps it is time for you to meet the woman,” she suggests, her tone measured. “Take a trip to New York. Get to know her. It is only fair to both of you.”

I shoot back the dark liquid in my glass. “I’m too busy with the casino and can’t afford to be away.”

Ma’s eyes remain resolute, a testament to the strength that’s carried her through countless battles. “I’ve said all I can, and you will have to deal with Andre when the time comes.” She stands and smooths out her dress. “I love you son.”

I watch her walk out, her words resonating within me like a haunting melody. I know she’s right – my choices will have repercussions. Unfortunately, my heart is a stubborn bastard and believes there’s a way to have what I want.

Abby’s smile flickers through my thoughts like a beacon, and I know I need at least one night together. The woman is living in my head rent-free, and until I can unravel the reasons for the power she holds over me, I won’t be able to walk away.

My gaze drifts toward the window, and I notice the lights of the casino entrance cast a kaleidoscope of colors onto the wet pavement. Conflicting emotions roar through my chest.

Everyone in the family thinks I’m a dreamer, and perhaps there is a shred of truth in a perception I have always fought against.

Because right now, I would give anything to come up with a magic formula that allows me to fulfill my dutiesandhave a relationship with the woman who captivates me.



My receipt slides across the marble counter, and I note the amount at the bottom of the paper. “Vegas, here I come.”

“What that?”

Turning, I see my dinner date leaning against a pillar. Sleek as a seal in a black suit, Enzo looks like he fell off the runway in Milan. “Are you lurking, Mr. Bianchi?”

“No.” He pushes himself up. “I’m waiting patiently.”

Ignoring the flutter in my chest, I smile and pray my nerves don’t show. “I didn’t realize mobsters did that sort of thing.”

“We’re proficient in many areas.”

Nodding, I hear the skeletons behind his words and know I don’t want the details. “I’m not sure if I should make a flippant comment or go for an awkward segue.”

“Neither is required.” He moves closer. “Are you hungry?”

“I’m breathing, so the answer is yes.” He takes my hand, and I feel like I’m experiencing that moment in the movies when a character first glimpses that everything is about to change.

No one has ever looked at me the way Enzo does. It’s not polite interest or casual flirtation. It’s darker and reminds me of a lion that’s spotted the prey he can’t wait to devour.

“We’ll have dinner in my suite.” He brushes my hair aside and lets his finger slowly trail down my neck.


Who is she?

Earlier, I was filled with conviction, but now…I’m more than willing to agree with every suggestion he makes. “Is that a statement or a question?”

“Both.” He takes our clasped hands and presses them against his chest. “I don’t feel like being on display. I want your full attention, which won’t be possible if people stop by every five minutes.”

“Will you behave?” I can feel the beat of his heart beneath the layers of Italian wool. “Or will you give into the desires you’re doing little to hide?”

“It’s up to you.”

“A gallant kingpin.” I step closer. “How unexpected.”

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