Page 4 of Dangerous Fortune

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“Of course,” I reply smoothly, sliding into the vacant seat beside him. My eyes scan the faces surrounding the table. Each and every person holds a different kind of power within their grasp. Power that I must ensure stays aligned with the interests of the family.

“Enzo, you’ve truly outdone yourself with the new additions to the casino floor,” remarks Councilwoman Hamilton, her words laced with just enough flattery to make her intentions clear. “The high roller suite is absolutely exquisite.”

“Appreciate the high praise,” I nod with a warm smile. “We’re particularly proud of the artwork that was commissioned for it. We believe in creating an atmosphere that caters to the tastes of our esteemed clientele.”

The words feel like rocks in my mouth, and as much as I want to choke on the bullshit I’m expected to produce, I know it’s impossible. Andre is entrusting me with the casino’s success, and the last thing I will do is fail the Don.

“Speaking of catering to your clients,” interjects Mayor Watkins, a sly smile playing on his lips, “I’ve heard rumors of a certain underground poker tournament taking place here next month. Care to share any details?”

“Mayor Watkins, you know I would never withhold information from you,” I reply evenly, meeting his gaze with a practiced nonchalance. “However, I can neither confirm nor deny such rumors at this time.” Politicians think they’re the only ones skilled at the game of evasion, but little do they know we learn the skill in the crib.

“Very well,” he concedes with a chuckle. “I suppose I’ll just have to wait and see for myself.”

I pour myself a glass of water and raise it in a toast. “To continued success and prosperity, gentlemen – and ladies.”

“Here, here!” they echo in unison, clinking their glasses together before sipping their respective drinks.

My mind runs through strategies as the conversation continues around me, weighing the risks and rewards of each potential alliance. Every detail matters, from the subtlest nuance in tone to the flicker of emotion in a politician’s eyes. It’s a careful dance of verbal sparring and calculated manipulation that has taken me more than a year to master.

The conversation with the politicians reaches its natural conclusion, and I excuse myself from their company and stride across the grand casino floor.

Sal, one of my trusted floor managers, meets me near the tables. We got a problem with the blackjack tables.”

My eyes narrow as they dart over to the area in question, taking in the players’ and dealers’ agitated expressions. “Can you handle it?”


I give him a slow once-over. “No blood. And make sure everyone leaves satisfied.”

“This civilized shit is boring.” He shakes his head. “These supposed titans of industry are a bunch of pansy-ass whiners that act like we’re the ones controlling the sugar supply.

“That’s because we are.” I slap my old friend on the shoulder. We came up together and were made men by the age of fifteen. “At least this gig allows you to save on dry cleaning bills.” He gives me a fake smile and then strides off to handle the issue.

“Enzo!” A familiar voice calls out, drawing my attention to my cousin, Luna. Her dark hair elegantly frames her face, and her sparkling eyes suggest she had more than one glass of wine with lunch. “You look far too serious. This is a place of entertainment, after all.”

“Luna, you know better than anyone else that running this casino is more than just fun and games,” I retort, unable to stop a small smile at her teasing. “How did your lunch with the capo’s wives go?”

“Fine.” She looks past my shoulder. “And before you ask, your sister was well-behaved.”

“I’m assuming that means she insulted only half the women this time.”

“And you would be correct, but we’re gonna take the wins where we can.”

My baby sister is a handful and wants nothing more than to escape the golden chains that bind her to a life she has no interest in.

“If Franco gives her a little more space, she may not feel like she has to act out so much.”

“We both know she’s hanging on to her good reputation by a thin thread. One more,” I make quotation marks with my hands, “incident will make that thing snap, and no man inside the Cosa Nostra will marry her. Even if she’s the consigliere’s sister and the Don’s cousin.”

“Maybe that’s not the worst thing in the world,” she murmurs quietly.

Surprised that my perfect cousin would think such a thing, much less say it, I step closer. “Is there anything you want to tell me about?” She looks up, startled. “I can help. If you need it.”

“Don’t be silly.” She smooths out her designer dress and lifts her mouth into a smile. “I’m the capo di tutti capi’s perfect daughter.”

“All the same. You call me first.”

“Absolutely.” Luna nods toward the approaching figure of a politician who has proven to be tricky. “Looks like you get to smooth some ruffled feathers.” She kisses my cheek and then follows her bodyguard toward the lobby.
