Page 5 of Dangerous Fortune

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I watch City Councilman Davis move in my direction and remind myself that his political favors have proven invaluable in the past.

“Enzo,” he greets me warmly as he extends his hand. “Always a pleasure to see you here.”

“Likewise, Councilman,” I reply, my charm on full display as I shake his hand firmly. “How was your meeting?”


“Excellent.” I lead him toward the lobby. “Your support has been instrumental in allowing us to continue providing this level of excellence. If there’s ever anything we can do to repay the favor, please don’t hesitate to let me know.”

“Appreciate that, Enzo,” he responds, his eyes lighting up at the zeros he’s probably envisioning on our donation checks. “I’ll certainly keep it in mind.”

His security detail meets us near the carousel, and I hand him off, wondering why people think our way of doing business is less preferable to the way politicians handle theirs.

I head toward the elevators and see my sister flirting with a high roller. Long leash my ass. The girl is testing every limit my brother has set.

I watch Ari deftly weave her charm as the man who drops a million a month in the casino reaches out to touch her arm. I hurry my pace as I move in her direction. Before I can get there, Ari expertly evades his grasp, flashing a flirtatious smile as she firmly asserts her boundaries.

The man sees me approach, and he and his group disperse almost instantly. My reputation is well known, and they’ve all made the right decision by not making me prove how far I’ll go to protect my sister.

“Where the hell is Fausto?”

Turning, Ari’s long hair flies around her shoulders. “Hello to you, brother.”

“You’re lucky it’s me and not Franco who saw the interaction.” I look around and see her bodyguard walk out of the men’s room. “Why are you still here?”

She rolls her eyes. “I’m pretending I don’t live in a golden cage and have agency over my life.”

“I’m here, boss.”

“Next time, bring a second man.”

“Jeeze, Enzo. Don’t be so paranoid.” Ari waves her hand around. “This place is packed with men from the family. I couldn’t grab a donut from Dunkin without five people reporting it.”

“Are we gonna get donuts?” Fausto asks as he buttons his coat. “I heard they got a new jelly one.”

“Really?” I step into Fausto’s personal space. “You gonna fucking talk about eating when you left my sister alone?”

“She likes donuts, boss.”

Before I can respond, a shot of awareness slides across my shoulder blades. Not the kind that makes me want to pull out my piece, but the kind that tells me a certain card shark has arrived on the property.

Turning slowly, I see the woman who’s been starring in my fantasies for the last several months.

Abby Mercer – a vision in red, her golden curls cascading down her back like a waterfall of honey – strides into the lobby with confidence and purpose that turns heads. My attention is riveted as she makes her way across the lobby floor, her heels clicking on the marble, the sound echoing in my ears.

The dress isn’t outrageous, but the way her curves fill it…is.

“Enzo,” Ari says as she shoves her bony elbow into my side. “Card sharks and mobsters don’t mix.”

“Really?” I reply with sarcasm dripping from every syllable. “‘Cause I’m thinking it could be a perfect union.”

“Smart ass.”

“Thank you.” The woman has been winning big at the tables for several months and attracting big whales who can’t wait to pit their luck against hers. Or stare at her lush mouth. The woman is a stunner with a mind that closely resembles a computer.

Ignoring the warmth that floods my chest, an instinctive desire to possess her roars through my veins.

“We’re gonna grab those donuts,” Fausto says loudly. “And then head back to the compound.”
