Page 59 of Dangerous Fortune

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“Despite our short history, you must know I would sacrifice my own life if it meant saving yours.”

“Enzo.” Her small hands dig into my arms. “Why are you saying these things.”

“Because sometimes you find forever in a kiss.”


There are things you can push. Demand even. But making a person confess what’s in their heart isn’t one of them.

“If you had a different life…I would make a hundred promises of forever. Ironclad statements about how I would never let you go. Missives with my name scrawled at the bottom telling you that it’s you and always will be.”

“I will always love you harder. There isn’t a problem that can’t be solved by that.” I kiss her head and then let her roll away.

I know the truth, and soon, she will see what happens when I deliver on my promises.



As I pull up to Gianna and Alexey’s estate on the outskirts of Boston, I ignore the restlessness that has become my companion. I know there’s a way to have a future with Abby, and hopefully, my cousin will give me the intel to make it possible.

I step out of my car, nod to the soldiers on duty, and approach the front door. The sound of my shoes echoes in the still air, my heart beating steadily with every step.

Before I can knock, the heavy wooden door swings open, revealing the familiar foyer bathed in warm light. I step inside, immediately noticing Gianna’s changes to the home. Gone are the cold, lifeless walls that once greeted me; now, vibrant artwork adorns the space, infusing it with warmth and personality.

“Enzo!” Gianna exclaims, hugging me tightly. “It’s so good to see you.”

“Likewise,” I reply, returning the embrace. The familiarity of her hug makes the edginess momentarily disappear. “How do you feel?”

Stepping back, she presses her hand to her heart. “Good. The pain of childbirth disappeared the moment the nurses put my sweet angel in my arms.”

“Sweet?” I kiss her head. “I doubt you and the Pakhan could produce an heir with that quality.”

“Mother nature loves a good joke, so we’ve probably created someone who will make up for every single one of our family’s deadly sins.”

“And where is my goddaughter?”

“Napping.” She takes my arm and leads me toward the library. “The nurse will bring her down as soon as she wakes up.”

I follow my cousin and notice the family photos lining the walls. Gianna’s touch is evident everywhere. She’s always had an eye for detail, and it shows in every nook and cranny. As we pass a newly installed aquarium, I can’t help but smile at the memory of our childhood trip to the New England Aquarium, with her eyes wide in wonder as she gazed at the aquatic life.

“Sophia will love the fish tank when she gets older.”

“That’s what I’m hoping.”

“How did you talk Alexey into an Italian first name?”

“It’s actually one of the most popular Russian names.”

“No shit.”

“We spell it in the American tradition,” Alexey calls out as he strides down the hall.

I study the man who was once an enemy and take his extended hand. “Congratulations. You two have cemented the alliance like nothing else could.”

“A side benefit,” he responds before kissing his wife. “Let’s have a drink to celebrate.” We walk into the library, and he pours two glasses of whiskey, handing me one.

I take it and notice the golden liquid catches the light. “To new beginnings.”
