Page 60 of Dangerous Fortune

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“?? ???? ????????!” Alexey toasts, his light Russian accent evident. We each take a sip, the rich flavor of the whiskey warming my insides like a slow-burning fire.

Gianna watches us with a smile, and I know she’s telepathically sending me a message ofI told you so. I wasn’t her husband’s fan during their first year of marriage, but she told me to be patient, and eventually, I would see they were a good match. And per usual, she was one hundred percent correct.

“Here she is.” Alexey sets down his glass and takes the tiny bundle cradled in the arms of a nurse.

“Is that—” I ask, my voice barely above a whisper as I study the tiny infant, her curly black hair and bright blue eyes a perfect blend of her parents’ features.

“Your goddaughter,” Gianna confirms with a proud smile.

I’m instantly struck by a wave of awe. My heart pounds like a drum in my chest as Alexey carefully transfers the baby into my arms. She’s tiny, and I’m suddenly terrified of doing something wrong.

“She won’t break, Enzo.”

I look up and see Gianna holding back a laugh. I cradle the infant gently against my chest and watch her study me with curious eyes. “Hey there,” I murmur, smiling down at her. “I’m your godfather, Enzo.”

Her tiny hand grasps one of my fingers, and a bolt of electricity shoots through me. I press a kiss to her forehead, then to each chubby cheek. The protectiveness I feel is overwhelming, and I know that I’ll do anything for this little girl.

Except handle whatever is happening in her diaper. I watch her tiny face scrunch up and turn red. “Gianna, your lovely daughter needs your attention.”

“Such a good job,” Gianna coos as she takes the baby. “I’ll be back.”

“How many diapers have you changed?” I turn toward the feared leader of the Bratva and notice his eyes never leave his wife and daughter. “I’m guessing it’s in the single digits.”

“And you would be wrong.” He moves to a comfortable chair and drops down. “I’m on night duty and handle the two and four a.m. changes.”

“If only your enemies could see you now.”

“We’re aligned, so my enemies are the Cosa Nostra’s as well.”

“Yeah…thanks for the Cartel bullshit.” I take the chair next to his and look out the window.

“We took out half of them when they attacked Yuri and his wife.”

“There were enough left to snatch my sister and—”

“The woman who has bewitched you.”

I drain the rest of my drink. “Why are criminals such big gossips?”

“I heard it from my wife.” He crosses his leg over his knee. “After you asked her to run down the possible link to thefamiglia, she told me with complete conviction that you had found the one.”

I study the whiskey in my glass. “Is it possible to upend your life after a handful of encounters?”

“I made a decision about my future after a ten-minute conversation. Your cousin captivated me in less time than it takes to make a sandwich.”

“I saw how you looked at Gianna at that charity thing, and it was evident to anyone who bothered to notice.”

“I had never experienced anything like it.” He straightens his cufflink. “I knew I would destroy anyone and anything that stood between us, so agreeing to the alliance with your family was easy.”

“Gianna always told me that love isn’t fact. It’s faith. Uncomfortable, addictive, beautiful, and the craziest thing a person can do.”

“And she is absolutely correct.” He leans forward. “I don’t know the particulars of your situation, but I do know something about relationships and the challenges they bring.”

“Alexey, it’s not necessary—” I start to protest, but he cuts me off with a shake of his head.

“Hear me out,” he insists. “When Gianna and I first got together, I had no idea how to balance our relationship with my responsibilities to the syndicate. But I found a solution, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned, there is always a way to have what you want.”

“Why do you two look so serious?” Gianna asks as she returns with my goddaughter. “Are you planning to overthrow a small country or something?”
