Page 6 of Dangerous Fortune

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Ari grabs my arm and leans close. “It seems I’m not the only one interested in breaking a few rules.”

“Go home, Ari.” Fausto leads her away, and I return my attention to Ms. Mercer. Before she passes, I offer a slight nod of acknowledgment. Her sea-green eyes lock onto mine, and for a split second, I’m sure time has stopped.

“Why are you looking at the card shark like she is the last glass of water in the desert?”

“Fuck you.” I turn and watch Nico, my second in command, laugh.

“You gonna get to know her?” He adjusts his jacket. “The arranged marriage deal isn’t inked yet, so you got time.”

“A woman with more balls than half the soldiers we work beside isn’t gonna be interested in a half-ass offer.”

“Fair point.” Nico clears his throat. “But why not offer her more?”

I ignore the comment since a capo’s daughter in New York has been put forward, and I’m not sure I want to do anything about it. What I am sure of is that the card shark, who is one part siren and two parts intelligence is the most alluring woman I have ever seen. Not that I have any kind of interest in someone with enough fire to make one of those volcanoes in Hawaii look like a candle.

Quiet. Dutiful. That’s what I need in a wife and what Teresa Ricci will be if I agree to the match. At least, that’s what I expect she’ll be. We met five years ago and had a ten-minute conversation, and I’m not sure if I could pick her out in a crowd.

A fact that doesn’t matter much since marriage in the Cosa Nostra is about duty and tightening the bonds, not a fucking fairy tale.



I stand in the hallway, a sea of strangers surrounding me. The phrase, “Never play with the men who look like they could eat you for breakfast,” runs on a loop in my mind.

Have I finally encountered someone who could stand in the way of my goals? The dangerous man I crossed paths with at that private club the other night has left me feeling uneasy, and despite my reluctance to acknowledge it, I find myself in need of a confidence boost.

With a sigh, I retrieve my phone from my bag and dial my friend’s number, hoping she’ll deliver a hype speech to end all hype speeches. “Hey, girl.”

“Are you in trouble?” Nadia asks.

“No! Why would you assume the worst?”

“Because your location is pinging at Encore. Either you’ve run into the man who made you shit kittens the other night, or you finally talked to the mobster you have the hots for.”

“I do not have the hots for the casino manager.”

“And I eat vegetables willingly.” Her laughter comes through the earpiece. “If we’re going to tell lies, then I can keep going.”

“Fine. But that’s not why I’m calling.” I pull down the hem of my dress and wish that cozy sweats were considered acceptable attire. “I’m spooked, Nadia. What if I run intoMr. Dark Forceagain?” My gaze fixes on a man in the corner, nursing a beer. “I’ve never been run off a table before, and the fact I skulked away the other night is bugging me to no end.”

“Self-preservation is an important quality. Don’t fool yourself.”

“I hate being intimidated.”

“You are five feet five and can’t throw a punch, so being intimidated by a man who eats nails for breakfast is a good thing. Listen to your inner voice telling you that taking on the world’s monsters will not end well.”

I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. You’re right.”

“I always am.”

“Box blond chunky highlights. 2008.”

“Alright, we’ll go with a healthy seventy percent.”

“Love you. Thanks for the pep talk. I’m ready to win big tonight.”

“How’s your Nonno?”

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