Page 61 of Dangerous Fortune

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Alexey stands and takes his daughter. “You two catch up. I’m taking our princess on a walk around the garden.”

Gianna kisses her husband and watches him walk out of the room. “I didn’t have a chance to dig into your question too deeply, but Luna confirmed the Amatos have been part of the family for two generations. Abby’s grandfather was a loyal money man.”

I close my eyes. “Good news.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Talk to Andre and get his blessing, and then see if I can talk this woman into pledging her life to me.”

“She would be a fool not to agree immediately.” She sits in Alexey’s abandoned chair. “Maxsim said the kidnapping was over before it began. How is Abby doing?”

“We haven’t spoken since I took her home three days ago. I’m giving her a little space while I put things in order and make sure I have something to offer.”

“I heard my protégé was a rockstar and located Ari and Abby in record time.”

“Between Fausto getting Ari to wear the bracelet and Carolina, we found them within hours of being snatched.”

“So lucky,” she says quietly. “Just like me when you showed up in the nick of time.”

“I had no choice because no one else in the family shares my passion for rare comics.”


Taking a deep breath, I feel like two tectonic plates are pushing against each other as my brain processes the fact a future with Abby is possible without shirking my responsibilities and pissing on every tradition I hold dear.

“Tell me about this woman.” She leans forward. “What makes her the one?”

“She burns brighter than anything I’ve ever seen.” I look down and study the tattoo covering my hand. “But not in a flashy, look-at-me way. I’ve seen her lose a quarter of a million dollars and win a half million with the exact same expression. The kidnapping put her off her game for obvious reasons, but she didn’t lose it. Which tells me she’s the person I want beside me when the devil knocks on the door.”

“I’m all for not giving into hysterics, but it’s important that she deals with the trauma and sees a therapist.”

“Since when do we share our personal business with outsiders?”

“Since my husband found someone we can trust.”

“I’ll mention to her and see if she’s interested.”

“Good! She zips the charm on her necklace back and forth. “Our world requires people who are unafraid of a fight, but it’s important not to pretend like it doesn’t come with a cost.”

“True enough.”

“Alright, enough about that.” She stands. “Let’s go find your goddaughter so you two can get to know one another.”

“Sounds good.” I follow her out of the room and appreciate the road ahead isn’t quite as rocky as I imagined.



The door creaks slowly open, and I sit up in bed. “Who goes there?”

“The only person brave enough to deal with your stench.” My brother holds his nose with one hand and sets a tray on the end of the bed. “If you don’t shower today, then I’m hosing you off in the backyard.”

“Dramatic much?” I smooth out my favorite Einstein T-shirt. “Skipping a shower for two days isn’t illegal.”

“Are we sure about that?” Marco strides to the window and opens it. “Better.”

I push myself out of my nest of covers and grab the tray. “My favorite panini sandwich.”
