Page 71 of Dangerous Fortune

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“Always entertaining.” He pulls me against his side, and I let out a quiet sigh. “This is what it’s all about,” Enzo murmurs in my ear. “Love, loyalty, and commitment to family.”

“Am I the right person for you?”

“You are the only person.”

Children’s laughter mixes with the soft murmur of conversation, and I silently pray that we can build something that makes us both happy.


Several hours later, I wave goodbye to Enzo and watch him roar off in his sleek black Maserati. “Is this going to be life now?”

Shaking my idea at the idea of becoming a Mafia wife, I open the front door and step inside, hearing a familiar voice. “Mom?”

“I’m here, darling.”

Darling?The woman has never called me that in my life.

I stroll into the living room and see Nadia and Mom ensconced on the couch with two glasses of wine. “Did I miss the party?”

“Surprise!” Mom yells as she stands and embraces me tightly. “I decided to make the trip.”

I return her hug and see Nadia looking guilty. Did she have something to do with this trip? “I bet Nonno was happy to see you.”

“He wasn’t sure who I was, but I’m sure after a full night’s sleep, he’ll be right as rain.”

“He has dementia, Mom. Sleep has nothing to do with it.”

Waving her hand, she sits on the couch and raises her glass. “It certainly won’t hurt.”

Too tired to get into it, I collapse on the chair and slide off my pumps. “How are you, Nads?”

“Good.” She sips her wine and frowns. “Even though you’ve been avoiding me.”

Something in her tone tells me she is about to embark on a crusade that will leave nothing but hurt feelings. My friend’s tenacity can be a beautiful thing, but it can also be dangerous because she doesn’t know when to stop. “I’ve been a little under the weather.”

“You were kidnapped by an arms dealer and held for eight hours until your Mafia boyfriend rode to the rescue.”


The kind that happens just after someone drops a bomb.

“Kidnapped?” Mom says quietly. “Really?”

“It was over before it started,” I reply, staring at someone I’ve considered a friend for twenty years. “All’s well that ends well.”

“Is that why you called me and encouraged me to come?” Mom turns toward Nadia, frowning.

“You did what?” I ask quietly, feeling anger fill my chest. No one knows my fractious relationship with my mother better than she does. Why would she intentionally stir up a storm that will leave so much damage in its wake?

“You won’t listen to me, so I thought Elena might have some luck.”

Lies. Every single word. The only person I listen to is my brother, a fact she knows too well.

“Abby, what have you done?”

Frustration gets the better of me, and I turn to the woman who was barely around after my father passed away. “I take care of my family. I’m one of the city’s best players, and my winnings have allowed Nonno to have the best care and stay in the home he loves. The money also funds Marco’s dream. He’s building a restaurant that is becoming more successful every day, and I couldn’t be prouder.”

“That is your choice. No one is forcing you to play poker. You could’ve had any job after college.”
