Page 79 of Dangerous Fortune

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“Really, Daddy?” she asks, her eyes wide and innocent.

“Absolutely,” he confirms, kissing her forehead gently. “You’ve got your mom’s smarts and talent for cards, that’s for sure.”

I pull them both into a hug, the love I feel for my family threatening to overwhelm me. In this moment, I am reminded of how far we’ve come and how precious these moments truly are.

“Mommy, did I really do good?” My daughter’s voice is small, but her eyes are hopeful.

“Sweetheart,” I whisper, gently kissing her cheek. “You did more than good. You were incredible. And I am so, so proud of you.”

As Enzo sets our daughter back onto her feet, I watch her race across the room and lie beside the four cats, napping in the window.

Enzo wraps his arm around me, and I lean against him as he rubs my very pregnant belly. “She really is something special, isn’t she?” he murmurs, his eyes never leaving our daughter as she pets the cats gently.

“Definitely,” I agree, leaning into his warmth. “She’s got the best of both of us.”

Our eyes meet, and I feel my two small elbows ripple across my stomach. “Your boys must be playing soccer.”

Leaning down, he presses a kiss on my belly. “Behave boys. You still have another two months.”

“If I make it that long.”

“We’re getting closer to our number, sweetheart.”

“About that,” I look up and grimace. “I may be done after this. Three kids is probably enough.”

“It’s up to you.” He pulls me against his chest. “Because your happiness is all that matters.”

“Does that mean we can get one more cat?”

“No!” He steps back and slides his hand on his hips. “And no more of those squawking birds either.”

“They’re singing, honey.”

“Lies,” he replies with a small laugh.”

I pull his hand so the tips of our shoes touch. “Thank you, Enzo. For this life, you have given me.” He presses our heads together, and a silent understanding passes between us, an acknowledgment of all the obstacles we’ve overcome to reach this point.

Our journey has been far from easy, but there’s no denying that our love for each other has made it all worthwhile.

“Who would have thought,” I muse, my words quiet yet full of emotion, “that a card shark and a mobster could find happiness like this?”

Enzo presses a kiss against my temple. “I did,” he says, his voice filled with love. “From the moment I saw you.”

I think about how our love story began – and know I’m the luckiest woman in the world since a day doesn’t pass without my mobster making me feel like I’m holding four aces in my hand.
