Page 8 of The SAA

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“Okay, doesn’t sound like something this bitch would be involved in,” I reply. “What about exes?”

“I… well, it could be one of my exes,” she slowly admits. “But why do something like this after all this time? We were through alongtime ago, before I ever met Tressa, in fact. So why now?”

“Fuck if I know. Maybe he heard y’all were moving? Did he have things he left here?” My wolf gouges my insides at those words, but it’s a legitimate question; she’s a beautiful woman and didn’t know me before Tressa and Chaos got together. So, for me to expect she would remain in a locked case, chaste and untouched, is ridiculous as far as I’m concerned.

“No, I don’t think so. When he broke up with me, I gathered all his stuff, put it in bags, and then set it out by the curb.”

“Could you have forgotten something?” Because my bet’s on the ex being the one coming inside and doing what’s been done. Especially since there’s at least one television that would fetch a pretty penny at the pawn shop or be sold on the street corner for someone looking to fence stolen items. I can also see a jewelry box on her dresser which hasn’t been touched. Granted, I have no clue if it’s full of costume jewelry or not, but most burglars would just grab and go, not take the time to search through shit. Plus, she wasn’t gone all that long, which means they wouldn’t have had the opportunity to pick and choose.

“Maybe? I don’t really know. He had a game system and some games, a few jackets, two hats, a pair of shoes, and some other odds and ends, but I got all of those. Except like I said, we’ve been over foryears, Stealth, and I haven’t let anyone get that close again.”

“Has he tried to contact you?” I ask, while my wolf prances around at the thought she hasn’t really dated since that fucker. Why he’s acting like this is anyone’s guess but if I had to do so, I think it’s because he knows she’s not pining over someone else.

“Not that I’m aware of, but I blocked his number, so if he’s tried to call using that, I wouldn’t know.”

“Okay, here’s what we’re going to do. I’m calling Fox to let him know, then Chaos, which means Tressa will know here shortly, so brace yourself. We’re getting y’all out of here sooner than expected.”

“But I’m working out a two-week notice!” she exclaims, standing up and glaring at me.

Well, at least she’s not crying any longer, which makes my wolf happy. He’d prefer seeing her feisty and ready to fight against whoever is fucking with her.

“You need to let your boss know that shit’s changed, Nicole,” I reply, using my SAA voice. Instead of her shoulders slumping in acquiescence, I watch her square them, take a deep breath and prepare to fuss. “No, ma’am, not this time,” I retort. “Someone’s fucking with you, and since you know what I am, you gotta know, it’s fucking with my wolf. You belong to us, and he’s ready to go on a rampage through this town until he catches the scent of the fucker who is doing this so he can shred him.”

“You can’t do that,” she whispers, her eyes wide in shock. “You’ll get caught and then the club will really hate me!”

“The club doesn’t hate you, babe,” I tell her. “You gotta understand the guys aren’t really used to a lot of normal women being around, just the club girls.”

She starts giggling then says, “Yeah, don’t think I could be mistaken for one of those.”

Why do I feel as though she’s putting herself down? It pisses me off because she’s more beautiful than anyone I’ve ever met. Maybe it’s the fated mate thing, maybe not, but regardless of the circumstances, I won’t have my woman doing that to herself. Whoever fucked with her sense of self will have a lot to answer for if I ever find them. No matter their shape or size, women are beautiful, period.

“Not that I’ll ever give you the chance to find out, but woman, if you think you wouldn’t attract that kind of attention, you need to think again. Do you understand me?” I question her.

“I think you have to say that, if what Tressa told me is real,” she murmurs, no longer meeting my gaze.

“Look at me, Nini,” I command, gentling my voice as much as I can. It must work because her eyes meet mine and I continue. “If Tressa told you that you were my mate, she’s correct in that aspect. You are. That being said, we’re going to wait to deal with that until I have you safe and tucked away in Zephyr Hills. But outside of that, I don’t want to hear you bashing yourself again. If it was an ex who made you feel as though no one would want you, well, they’re an ex for a reason so fuck them. Because my opinion is the only one that matters, and I think you’re fucking perfect.”

“I’ll… I’ll try,” she replies. “But, Stealth, just to say, it’s been something I’ve heard most of my life. What he said just reinforced it is all.”

“Well, I’m the one who’ll knock those reinforcements down so much they’ll look like toothpicks. Now, you go call your boss while I get in touch with the club.”

* * *

I head outsidefor privacy and call Fox. “Yeah?”

“Hey, listen, we need to move them in the next few days. Gonna need some more muscle because something hinky’s happening, Brother,” I say.

“What’s going on, Stealth?” His voice is more alert, which I’m grateful for since I need my president’s head in the game. I may be the club’s SAA, but he earned his position due to his ability to think multiple steps ahead of any situation. He’s always one chess piece ahead of the board which is why he wins against his opponents no matter what the stakes are. “Should I call the brothers in and have church?”

“Naw, you can share the info once we’re off the phone. Gonna call Chaos next, though. What’s happening is someone is stalking Nicole and probably has been for quite some time. My wolf picked up on the rancid scent of hate around their place, but when she came back this evening with more boxes and I realized the scent was strong again, I knocked on the door. The fucker was inside, Brother,” I growl out, my anger building once again. “And it wasn’t the first time, either. It happened after she got back, but before that, she had occasionally noticed stuff appeared to be moved, only she chalked it up to having done it herself, or even Tressa having done it.”

“Do you know who the dead motherfucker is?” Fox asks once I give him a break to speak.

“Funny you should ask that, Fox. I was eating at a diner and actually bumped into the asshole. No clue what his name is, but it doesn’t matter in the long run, does it?” I counter.

“No, not really. Okay, I’ll let everyone know, including Chaos. You keep your woman safe, and we’ll be there probably tomorrow afternoon. I know I’ve overheard Tressa talk about donating shit, but at this point, I’d feel better if we were on our own turf. They can give away shit once we have them safe behind our own walls, Brother.”

“I agree. I’ll help her fix shit and let her know what the plan is,” I reply. “Y’all ride safe, Brother, see you tomorrow.”

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