Page 41 of Reborn

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“You sound threatened.”

“I’m absolutely not threatened.”

“Is that why you lowered your hood and made a statement?”

“We canbothhear you,” said Valerian as he took a seat.

Irena grinned. “And it’s not that kind of history,” she added, from all the way across the bar. “Hunters don’t get involved with other hunters. It gets messy.”

“Could you ask the chef to cook us up some breakfasts?” Valerian asked. “Our Pixie friend is still hungry.”

“I’ll see if there’s leftovers in the back,” said Irena, who then returned to the room she had emerged from.

My cheeks were burning. “Sorry…” I ventured.

“About what?” asked Valerian. “You weren’t threatened.”

“I shouldn’t have pulled my hood down.”

He shook his head. “You were right, we are in a safe place. I’ve been so used to running and looking over my shoulder, I don’t know when to let my guard down anymore.”

“It’s probably best that we don’t, though. I shouldn’t have done that.”

“But she had to,” Gullie said, “Because she likes you.”


“What? It’s true.”

“You don’t’ have to say it like that.”

“It’s more fun if I do.”

I buried my face in my hands. “Oh, my Gods.”

“I couldn’t believe it when I heard the news,” came a gruff, male voice from somewhere nearby. “You’re really back.”

Coming down the stairs to the right was a man wearing a suit of leather armor and carrying almost as many weapons as Valerian was. The Fae, who I could only assume was Rolan, had broad shoulders, but a lithe physique. His hair was long, and dark, and he had a pair of antlers growing out of his forehead that curved around his skull.

Valerian stood. “Rolan,” he said, “It’s good to see you again.”

Rolan came all the way down the stairs, walked up to Valerian, and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I can’t believe my own eyes. We all thought you were dead.”

“That’s the second time I’ve heard that this morning.”

Rolan clasped both of Valerian’s shoulders, now, and stared at him almost like a father would look at a son who he hasn’t seen in a long time. A father who had spent days, weeks, and months worrying themselves sick about their son’s whereabouts and wellbeing. It made me think of my own father, my mother, and my brother.

Him especially.

My parents were gone, exiled, but my brother remained in Arcadia, well aware of everything that had happened, and with no way of knowing where I was or if I was still alive. I couldn’t wait to see him again, to ease the pain he was in; to ease the pain we werebothin.

“What in all the worlds have you gotten yourself into, boy?” Rolan finally asked.

“The RoyalfuckingSelection,” Valerian grunted.


By the time Valerian was about halfway through recanting our story to Rolan, Irena had returned from the kitchen with a round of breakfast for all of us. The smell of the sausages, the potatoes, and the eggs brought me back to London, to theEnglish BreakfastsPepper was only eager to make for us.
