Page 26 of The Siren's Call

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“What the hell are you talking about Nikolai, you cannot get married. I haven’t even started to look for possible alliance matches for you yet. This is unacceptable, you know this. You are my heir, you have to marry accordingly!”

“Enough Papa!” I growl down the phone.

“You will not disobey me on this Nikolai!” my Papa growls back.

“I will and I am. Now, this is going to happen with or without your presence, but I would love for you all to be there for me. On Friday you will all get to know my soon-to-be wife at a dinner I have planned for us all. Then we will marry on Saturday. I will send you all the details via email when they are confirmed. Can you please make sure Dimitri and Isadora are in attendance? I need you to bring Mama’s engagement ring with you.”

“You know the protocols, Nikolai, I cannot let you do this. Who are you trying to marry anyway, some lap-dancing whore who has tempted you with her skills in blowjobs? Come on son, do not be fooled.”

“I said enough Papa! I will not live by these antiquated rules. My job has always been about our future. A future that is free from all these stagnant beliefs and protocols as you put them. I will not be forced to marry someone full stop, and I hope that stands for Dimitri and Isadora too. We are the future of our family Papa, do not make us the enemy!”

“It is the way it has worked for centuries Nikolai, and it has worked well for a reason.”

“For the benefit of men, father, not women; you were lucky that Mama loved you. I really need your approval on this Papa, we need to move forward and grow, not stay in the past. My future bride is a testament to that, and I wish the same for my siblings.”

“Okay, I’m listening.”

“I will be marrying Valentina Ivanov on Saturday, Papa!”

The phone line was silent for such a long time that I looked at my phone screen to make sure the call hadn’t dropped. I knew this would be a shock to my Papa, so I let him have his time to process the fact that I was marrying the daughter of our enemy.

“Please tell me this is some sick joke of yours Nikolai! Besides, I thought she was missing anyway?”

“I am deadly serious Papa. I’m marrying her Saturday. It’s a long story and I’ll fully update you when you are here, but it’s definitely Valentina.”

“Maybe it’s not a bad idea after all, we can use her to rub it in his face. That his daughter is your new whore and will be used and discarded accordingly. The more I think about your plan, the more ingenious it is. He will hate the fact you own his daughter; it will drive him to the point of madness.”

I have to take a few deep breaths to control my anger at hearing my father talking about Valentina like that. The trouble is it would have been my precise reaction to the situation before I actually met her. I would have used her as a whore and discarded her, maybe even sent her Papa footage of all the deprived things I did to her. But hearing him talk about my Little Vixen like that now makes me want to fucking strangle him. Valentina is mine and will always be.

“I will not have you talk about Valentina in that way Papa! There is no plan, and no ill-treatment of Valentina will be tolerated by you or any of the family. She is to be my wife and she will be the Mama of my children. Her Papa’s sins will not be passed onto her. I actually think you will all get on with her swimmingly as she hates her Papa as much as we do. I will however take great pleasure in the fact that it will drive the old bastard to the point of madness that I am marrying his daughter.”

“Have you checked everything out Nikolai, this is not some elaborate plan to double-cross you? I can get Isadora to check everything for you, scan her emails and phone conversations?”

“Do you take me for some kind of fool Papa? Do you not remember who has gotten information from people for years for you? You know there is nobody that can withstand my form of interrogation. After all, torture is an old friend of mine Papa. Wouldn’t you agree?”

“I meant no ill will, Nikolai, I just wanted to make sure you have checked everything out. Some women have the gift of the sirens. They lure you in and before you know it, you’re drowning. I just want you to be safe.”

“Everything is under control Papa, I assure you. Just make sure everything is in order there and I’ll see you all on Friday. I’ll forward you all the details and don’t forget the ring. Stay safe and see you soon.”

“Stay safe Nikolai, and we’ll see you soon.”

I sit in my office for a while just mulling over the conversation with my Papa. I had my own doubts about Valentina and Luka, but I thought that I had laid them to bed last night. Speaking to my Papa has brought them back to the forefront again, I pick up my phone and dial Isadora.

“Privet Nikki, please don’t tell me you have been sticking your dick where you shouldn’t too. I have enough to do covering Dimitri’s ass, let alone having to see my other brat’s dick on the same fucking day. He’s a freaky fuck Nikki, I think I may need to wash my eyes out.”

I laugh out loud which I think startles us both because I rarely do, and I quickly fire off a text to Lev to bring me Valentina’s bag.

“Papa told me you were busy clearing up Dimitri’s mess again, I think he needs to come and have some more training in much more suitable intel strategy techniques. Married women are a volatile species and if his dick doesn’t drop off, he may just get it chopped off by a possessive husband.”

“Chance would be a fine thing, it would take a load off my heavy work schedule if it did drop off, ha. Anyway, why are you calling Papa, and what can I do for you?”

“Papa will inform you later about what I called him for but in the meantime, I need a favour. I need you to keep it discreet and only come back to me with your findings. Da?”

“You know me, Nikki, for the right price I can get you any information you want, and my discretion is my honour as always. Who’s the mark?”

I sigh and there’s a knock on the door, “Da?” I call and Lev enters with Valentina’s bag.

“Did you find a phone?” I say to Lev.
