Page 47 of The Siren's Call

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“It’s been lovely speaking to you too, Ida.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

I leave Lev’s apartment with somewhat of a weight lifted, as I know Ida will be working flat out on the security. I also now know what is plaguing the Polish and I’m not going to be wondering why two enraged Irishmen arrive in my city. The amount of shit piling on my plate at the moment is diabolical. Here’s me, planning on whisking Valentina away for a honeymoon. At this rate I’ll be lucky if I get a chance to spend any time with her at all.

Pasha is waiting in the car, ready to take me back and Lev is outside the apartments on his phone when I get outside. He looks angry and ends the call when I reach him.

“What’s up with your face?”

“What do you think, it’s Sam and her mixed messages again. She’s driving me crazy Kai; I can’t keep doing this with her. Maybe it’s time to give up and cut my losses, like Ida says. She’s over me, right? Why the hell do I keep chasing her?”

“You know as well as I do Lev, you’ll never stop chasing Sam. You need to sit down with her and talk this through. Don’t tell me you’ve fucked her again.”

“Yes.” Lev sighs.

“Lev you need to talk to her, not fuck her. No wonder you never sort out your relationship if all you do is get your dick wet instead of talking things through.”

“It just happens Kai, I can’t help it. When I manage to get her alone, I want to be inside her. She pushes me away so much I just want our connection back. It’s killing me.”

“I know Lev, but it isn’t going to get any better if you just keep on having sex instead of talking. She’ll think that’s all you want her for, just to dip your dick in. Sort your shit out Lev, I need everyone focused. The Polish may be getting some heat off the Irish, so we’ll have nutty Irish twins arriving in my city soon. Plus we have Mikhail and Isaak to contend with. Ida will give you an update when you go back up.”

“Well, that’s something to look forward to. A scintillating conversation with Ida. Shit, Kai can’t you have her at yours?”

“No, and I’ve told her to behave. Just try and last a couple of days, yeah? That’s all I ask. I’ve got to get back to Valentina now, I’ll call you later.”

“Make sure you answer your phone, Kai, I may have to make an S.O.S call. Why did that sweet little kid we knew have to grow up?”

Lev walks back to his building shaking his head in dismay. Poor fucker, I don’t envy his situation. I climb back into my car and head back to the hotel. I hope there’s some pizza left; I’m starved.


As I watch the lift doors close on Kai, I can’t help but wish he would have stayed. It’s silly, I know, but we haven’t just had any normal moments together. Just to chill and watch a movie, eat a pizza and cuddle on the sofa. What do I expect though, he has a Bratva empire to run, he doesn’t have the time to just chill with me.

“What’s up Lena?”

“Nothing Luka, only tired, that’s all. It’s been a hell of a night and I’m also hangry.”

“When are you never hangry? The pizza will be here soon. Misha just ordered it, with chicken strips and chips as well. So, not to worry, your hangry monster will be well fed.”

Luka laughs as I punch him in the arm, cheeky bugger. I snuggle into his side and settle down to watch the film, drinking my hot chocolate. Misha joins us shortly after, settling down on the other side of me. He has a bottle of Bud in his hand and is looking at the TV with a slightly puzzled look on his face.

“What’s up with your face Bear?” I ask.

“What the fuck are you watching Red? Vampires and werewolves? Shit babe, what happened to you? Although, I have to say, that suit she is wearing is fucking hot.”

“Don’t diss my kink Bear. And it’s Lycans actually. Vampires and Lycans are hot full stop and Selene is sexy as fuck. She’s a bad ass, a vampire and all in a latex suit.”

“Whatever floats your boat Red. Do we get to see her out of the suit?”

“Typical bloke, just shut up and watch it.”

“How many times have you seen this?”

“She’s watched the whole series about 50 times,” Luka answers for me.

“What the fuck? How can you watch a film that many times?”

“Because it’s my favourite series duh. Will you two just shut up and watch it.”
